January 2008
Guardian | This brutal siege of Gaza can only breed violence
Palestinian suffering has reached new depths. Peace cannot be built by reducing 1.5m people to a state of abject destitution
No light, no heat, no bread: stark reality for the powerless in Gaza | Guardian
Osama Nahal, a paediatric doctor in the European hospital's special care baby unit, looked resigned. "Politics is politics, but the care of human beings must be away from politics," he said. His unit now has 10 newly-born patients, of whom two are on ventilators.
October 2006
Whiskey Bar: Friends in High Places
Time magazine is reporting that Rep. Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, is under investigation for her ties to the Israel lobby
Guardian | FO's human rights report omits attacks on Lebanon
Margaret Beckett, the foreign secretary, told a press conference the omission was because the timing was "a little bit tight" for publication. She said she anticipated the war being dealt with more fully in next year's report.
But the authors did find sufficient time to include criticism of the Lebanese-based guerrilla group Hizbullah, and one of its backers, Syria, over attacks on Israel and to provide a figure for Israeli, but not Lebanese, casualties.
September 2006
BBC | Israel 'trains Iraqi Kurd forces'
The revelation is set to cause enormous problems for the Kurds, not only in Iraq but also in the wider region.
August 2006
[NYT] Inquiry Opened Into Israeli Use of U.S. Bombs - New York Times
The State Department is investigating whether Israel’s use of American-made cluster bombs in southern Lebanon violated secret agreements with the United States that restrict when it can employ such weapons...
Syria warns on peacekeepers
[Guardian] The Syrian president, Bashar Assad, today warned he would consider the deployment of international troops along the Lebanon-Syria border a hostile move towards his country.
Israeli Soldier Killed In Lebanon Raid
BostonChannel.com: Israel violates ceasefire again, enters Lebanon.
Hezbollah: Lebanese Rubble 'Made In USA'
ABC News: [A]s Hezbollah cleans up the rubble, it's also hanging signs amid the destruction that say "Made in USA." It is clear America's support for Israel during the 34 days of bombing will not be forgotten.
Hezbollah Leads Work to Rebuild, Gaining Stature
NY Times article describing the dominance of Hezbollah in rebuilding Lebanon and helping those devastated by Israeli bombing.
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