public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ravi with tag elections

February 2008

Clinton to fight for every delegate -

“Could we possibly have a nominee who hasn't won any of the significant states -- outside of Illinois?” Chief Strategist Mark Penn said. “That raises some serious questions about Sen. Obama.” Howard Wolfson, communications director, pointed out, “We do better the more voters vote. The largest turnout primaries, by in large, are the ones that have favored us. …The presidential election is not a caucus; it’s an election for the most people to get out and vote.”

Obama mania's got all sides screaming

"If Hillary walked on water, she would be criticized for not swimming," Lehane said. "And if Obama swam, he would be lauded for being able to do what Hillary could not do."

Black Leader, a Clinton Ally, Tilts to Obama - NYT

Representative John Lewis, an elder statesman from the civil rights era and one of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s most prominent black supporters, said Thursday night that he planned to cast his vote as a superdelegate for Senator Barack Obama in hopes of preventing a fight at the Democratic convention.

AlterNet: Obamanomics: Barack Talks Tough on Trade

On Wednesday, the first full day of a Wisconsin primary campaign that he hopes will solidify his emerging lead over his once "inevitable" rival, the Illinois senator started in Janesville, where he delivered a rebuke to free-trade policies of the Bill Clinton and George Bush eras that sounded a little like a speech Feingold might have delivered.

Democracy Now! | Ralph Nader Launches Presidential Exploratory Committee to Mull '08 Run

The same day John Edwards exited the race, longtime consumer advocate Ralph Nader launched a presidential exploratory committee to decide whether to run as an independent candidate.

October 2006

And the Winner Is ... Me - NYT

Republican nominee, Kenneth Blackwell, who is also the Ohio secretary of state, could rule that his opponent is ineligible to run because of a technicality.

September 2006

Judge throws out Georgia's photo-voter ID law - IHT

A judge Tuesday struck down as unconsitutional a new Georgia law requiring voters to show photo ID.

August 2006

MyDD :: Senate Forecast 2006

Frequently updated projection of US Senate 2006 results, from MyDD.

The politics of polling

WSJ article that looks at the failure of political polls and the science/biology underlying human behaviour in these surveys.

2006 Election Guide - Senate, House and Governors' Races

Great Flash based interactive US map with Senate, House and Governor race info. Playout different scenarios interactively and even save them.

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