August 2007 / Home UK / UK - Daimler and BMW threaten copies suit
"DaimlerChrysler said it would consider unspecified legal action if Chinese carmaker Shuanghuan Automobile showed the Noble, which it says closely resembles its Smart Fortwominicar, at next month's Frankfurt motor show."
July 2007
Formula One Losses Trademark Fight :: PaddockTalk :: F1, NASCAR, GP2, Champ Car, IndyCar, ALMS and More! If It Goes Fast...We're Talking About It!!
Formula One Licensing has failed in a bid to gain exclusive control of the descriptor 'F1'.
FOL, which is the brand exploitation division of the Formula One group run by Bernie Ecclestone, made a trademark application for the abbreviation for a range of goods to the UK Trademark Registry.
The application was opposed by the French racing website Racing-Live SA.
IPKat - IP news and fun for everyone: No F in Justice, but one F in Fulham, rules TM Registry
The IPKat has just been perusing a curious little case, the unsuccessful application of one Mr Kevin Scranage to register the words THERE AIN’T NO F IN JUSTICE as a UK trade mark for Tee shirts, sweat shirts, baseball caps (Class 25). The Kat assumed that this was going to be one of those rather tricky "immoral mark" cases, on the basis that the slogan, read out aloud and at speed, would appear to the listener as "There ain't no f***ing justice". but no, the Registry pulled a surprise and refused registration on the ground that the slogan was not distinctive, being a sign which was likely to be taken by the public as a personal statement by the wearer rather than acting as an indicator of trade origin.
June 2007
Sex Toys Blog - Proctor and Gamble gives toothbush sex toys the brush-off - LoveHoney UK Sex Toys
Most recently we heard from D Young & Co, who proudly declare themselves to be representatives of "The Proctor & Gamble Company family including Gilette Canada Company and Braun GmbH in relationship to trade mark matters." (hat tip : Marc J. Randazza, via the INTA mailing list).
The Olympian silence of man behind the logo | UK News | The Observer
"In 1996, he criticised a new logo by a rival firm intended to attract tourists to London, saying: 'It is a huge missed opportunity. It simply hasn't got a chance. It's the sort of thing you got in the Eighties for a charity saying, "We're a corporation, but we're quite soft and friendly." It's yesterday.'"
March 2007
IPKat: Patent Office name change
The Patent Office has announced that it will be changing its name to the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK-IPO) from 2 April 2007
February 2007
Queen vs Queen For A Day - IPKat : Trade mark decision very very frightening
Julia Ruhnke made a Madrid Protocol application to register the term QUEEN FOR A DAY for clothing. The surviving members of the rock group Queen opposed the application based, inter alia, on their registration of the word QUEEN for the same goods.
Hear all about it
Première émission d'un podcast de l'Office anglais.
"An audio discussion of key cases affecting current Trade Marks practice. Mike Knight, Head of Inter Partes Proceedings and Michael Edenborough of Hogarth Chambers discuss three key caseswhich have a big influence on current Trade Marks thinking."
(8 marks)