public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tag art



by 41 others (via)

"... an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions."

> à voir aussi sur le sujet : Your Random Numbers – Getting Started with Processing and Data Visualization


Scrap Coloring

by 1 other (via)
"... transformation d'une photo ou d'un dessin en coloriage en ligne..."


Image evolution



"... a reimplementation of Roger Alsing's excellent idea."

Evolution of Mona Lisa

"Could you paint a replica of the Mona Lisa using only 50 semi transparent polygons?"

Type is Art

by 2 others (via)
Une application pour s'essayer à l'art graphique à partir de morceaux d'une lettre. Apparemment déjà là depuis un moment. A voir quand même :)

All of Inflation’s Little Parts


Quand l'art se mêle à la statistique. Apparemment, on en est en effet pas là chez nous. (via)


Un moyen d'empiler des cubes pour ceux qui en ont marre d'enfiler des perles :)


Evil Bee

Une très bonne animation vidéo !


Le cadeau de Noël idéal ;)

Contrast and Meaning

« Contrast is important because the meaningful essence of any thing is defined by its value, properties, or quality relative to something else. »

Albertine Meunier - My Google Search History

Google Blogoscoped : « Beyond this autoportrait feature, this project highlights privacy concerns on internet and more particularly privacy concerns on personal data and Google. With these monthly videos & sounds we can easily see the incredible amount of personal information Google has on ourselves. »



by 5 others (via)
« Convert your website into DNA art. » Inutile et donc incontournable.

Droom Zaacht

"... a set of 5 unconventional drawing tools as an example of calm technology - that is, software that brings about a sense of calm and reflection in users of the software."


by 1 other
"...a tool for creating ascii animations."


by 14 others
Vectorise a picture using text strings.


by 2 others
Visit X-City in Flash.


Photo to Text

"...convert your colour photo's/images into colour text versions."

Fractal Food

by 2 others
"It seems like the universe just wants to compute".

Burtynsky at Cantor Arts Center

An exhibition where "each piece shows dramatic landscape transformed by industrial activity-railcuts, mines and tailings, quarries, urban mines, oil fields and refineries, and shipbreaking".


by 17 others
"A generative illustration toy".

Beethoven Experience

by 8 others
BBC to boost classical music : "Download all nine of Beethoven's symphonies here for the week after they are broadcast". Encore une grande expérience de service public !


"Desktop pictures for personal use". Nice !

Understanding Vorn

"Understanding VORN has seen suicide notes, sex pictures, and love letters, but these poignant moments inevitably get swallowed by time, as the program advances, obsessed with finding what's new".