public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from phdunay with tag "Canvas Group"

24 May 2007

Communities at Microsoft, a podcast with Sean O'Driscoll

I've been reading all I can about social media and communities. But honestly, I heard more new ideas from Sean than in all of the articles and blogs I've come across on the topic. I conducted an interview with Sean O’ Driscoll to learn what it is like to have thousands of communities to listen to and manage. And I wanted to learn how you harness these communities for product launches as part of an integrated marketing campaign. Enjoy …

29 March 2007

How to Start a B2B Community

If you love Web 2.0 tools the way I do, you probably came to the quick realization that they're powerful tools for creating a community But added together they don't equal a community. You can launch all the Web 2.0 tools you can think of and still not have a community. So the question quickly becomes: How do you create a community