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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag jabber


brettstimmerman's jabber-bot at master - GitHub

Easily create simple regex powered Jabber bots.


Cisco s'empare de la messagerie Open Source Jabber - Journal du Net > Solutions

Cisco vient de conclure un accord visant à acquérir Jabber, éditeur de logiciels de messagerie éponymes.

AKSW : Projects / x Operator

A semantic agent for xmpp / jabber network which finds and shares content about resources (using RDF/SPARQL) for you and your jabber friends.



by 4 others (via)
Instantbird is a multi-protocol Instant Messaging client. Using it, you can connect to all your different IM accounts. It uses the Mozilla rendering engine to display IMs, and the Pidgin libpurple to connect to the different networks. Instantbird is a free and open source software. So you are free to use, distribute and modify it.

OneTeam, Real-Time Collaboration - Process-one

by 1 other (via)
OneTeam is an Instant Messaging client targetting enterprise users and developed with productivity in mind.

Mango | fresh. open source. instant messaging.

by 2 others (via)
Mango is a juicy extensible instant messenger based on Firefox's browser engine and XMPP.


RobotJabberFR - JabberFR

by 1 other
Projet de Robot multifonction pour la communauté JabberFR - Intelligence artificielle, internet et assistant personnel

by 3 others, 2 comments
idée de bot jabber comme interface avec un compte de stockage de signets sur blogmarks...

Jabber is more than Instant messaging. - Gof's weblog

by 2 others
But people know less that XMPP (the protocol behind Jabber) is more than just instant messaging. XMPP is a protocol that simply allow you to exchange XML fragments between clients. So possibilities are infinite. - Marvin

Marvin est le bot du serveur Grâce à lui, vous allez pouvoir afficher votre statut Jabber sur internet (site, blog, forum...), mais aussi discuter avec quelqu'un quand vos amis ne sont pas là (ou si vous n'avez pas d'amis :-().

Comment me parler avec Jabber ? - Filyb

by 1 other (via)
Je vais d'abord décrire brièvement le fonctionnement et les avantages de Jabber, avant d'expliquer concrètement comment l'utiliser. Si vous souhaitez juste des explications sur l'utilisation de Jabber, vous pouvez vous rendre directement à la parties : Et la pratique.

xmpppy: the jabber python project

xmpppy is a Python library that is targeted to provide easy scripting with Jabber. Similar projects are Twisted Words and This library was not designed from scratch. It inherits some code from jabberpy and have very similar API in many places. Though it is separate project since it have almost completely different architecture and primarily aims to work with jabberd2 - the new Open Source Jabber Server. xmpppy is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License and can be freely redistributed without any charge

Neutron homepage | ejabberd

by 1 other
Neutron is a plugin-based Jabber bot written in Python that provides functionalities for individuals and chatrooms. To use it, you only need to create an account on a Jabber server, configure Neutron to log into that account and start it. Neutron will allow users to subscribe to its presence, enter into chatrooms and answer to commands.


by 1 other
Un bot en Python (au moins un début).

SleekXMPP - jabber python lib

by 1 other
Une bibliothèque Jabber en Python. Apparemment assez simple.

Talk Maps

by 2 others (via)
Une carte Google Earth indiquant la position de divers utilisateurs de Google Talk.


by 3 others
Are you tired of running a slow script embedded in your webpage to show your Jabber Presence? Well, you've found a solution. A simple IMG tag is all you need once you've registered with Edgar.

Programming Jabber: Chapter 5: Jabber Technology Basics

by 1 other
The aim of this chapter is to give you a good grounding in the technology and the protocol. In the Preface we likened Jabber to chess: a small set of rules but boundless possibilities. And, indeed, that is the case. In this chapter we cover identification within Jabber -- how entities are addressed. Related to identity is the concept of resources; we look at how that relates to addressing, as well as its relationship to presence and priority. The Jabber protocol is in XML, which is streamed between endpoints. We look at the details of these XML streams and see how they're constructed. Comprised of surprisingly few basic elements, the Jabber protocol is small but perfectly formed. Each element of Jabber's protocol will be reviewed in detail. With this chapter under your belt, your understanding of Jabber fundamentals should be complete. Everything else is strategy, planning, and endgames.

biblebot Project Information - JabberStudio

JD Bible Bot is a Jabber bot client with which you can read the Bible and lots of related material. A Python-language frontend to diatheke/sword. -- Is Jabber's Chatbot the Command Line of the Future?

by 1 other (via)
In this article, we take a look at bots, those programs-with-character that hang around in chat channels and amuse, help, and generally make the day a little more pleasant for those people who talk to them. We'll take a close look at ChatBot, beloved of the participants in the Jabber Developer's room "jdev", which is hosted on

Quand Jabber ne sert pas qu'à la causette - ItinéraireLibre

by 4 others (via)
Jabber est, la plupart du temps, comparé aux logiciels de messagerie instantanée (IM) tels que ICQ, MSN, AIM... Et pourtant, l'IM n'est qu'un des aspects du protocole, qui est avant tout un moyen de faire circuler de l'information sous forme de flux XML.

Utiliser Jabber avec Python — Association Francophone PYthon

by 1 other
Ce petit tutorial va vous apprendre comment envoyer un message jabber grace a la librairie Xmpp.

mozchat Project Information - JabberStudio

by 1 other (via)
A very clean , basic Jabber client designed with extensibility in mind and using the same extension techniques as Firefox and Thunderbird. "armis les fonctionalités importantes déjà implémentées, on trouve l'extensibilité (oui, on peut lui ajouter des extensions, comme pour firefox, comme par exemple des boites de dialogues pour son bot, un thème personalisé, etc.), la gestion des avatars, la connexion sécurisée (on peut l'utiliser pour son compte google talk), l'icône dans le tray sous windows ou la gestion des mots de passes. Mais il manque encore pas mal de choses. D'où cet appel, parce qu'un tel client me semble particulièrement prometteur, d'autant qui est bien écrit."


by 3 others
Class.Jabber.PHP is an object oriented solution to make Jabber connectivity for your website, bot, or even IM client as simple as possible when using PHP. CJP gives you complete abstraction from Jabber/XMPP so that you don't have to worry about API to the server, and instead focus on the quality of the Jabber features that you are implimenting. One of the ultimate goals for CJP is to be included in the PEAR PHP library.

JabberFR : informations & entraide en français sur Jabber

by 11 others (via)
site d'information et d'entraide francophone sur Jabber

parmentierf's TAGS related to tag jabber

aim +   ajax +   apprentissage +   blog +   bot +   chat +   chatterbot +   cisco +   dev +   extension +   firefox +   francophone +   français +   free +   gnu/gpl +   google +   google earth +   gtalk +   ia +   icq +   javascript +   kde +   libre +   linux +   logiciel +   mac +   mozilla +   msn +   open source +   php +   protocole +   python +   rdf +   regex +   ruby +   SPARQL +   statut +   tutoriel +   voiceip +   web +   windows +   xml +   xmpp +   xul +