September 2008
Synchronisation ftp / dossier local, par zarer - Linux On The Root !
by 1 othera Solution Miraculeuse pour synchroniser les répertoires distants (contenus sur mon site) avec un répertoire local de sauvegarde (sur ma machine).
November 2006
LFTP - sophisticated file transfer program
(via)LFTP is sophisticated ftp/http client, file transfer program supporting a number of network protocols. Like BASH, it has job control and uses readline library for input. It has bookmarks, built-in mirror, can transfer several files in parallel. It was designed with reliability in mind. LFTP is free software, distributed under GNU GPL license.
October 2006
WinSCP :: Introduction
by 2 others (via)WinSCP est un client SFTP graphique pour Windows. Il utilise SSH et est open source. Le protocole SCP est également supporté. Le but de ce programme est de permettre la copie sécurisée de fichiers entre un ordinateur local et un ordinateur distant.
(3 marks)