May 2007
Synthèse sur Ruby on Rails -
une doc de synthèse sur RoR
July 2006
US Stats Population 2000 - Ethnic and Age Distribution
L'exemple parfait de ce qu'on peut faire avec SVG et Javascript pour afficher des statistiques sur une carte.
Enfin, il serait vraiment parfait si ça fonctionnait sous autre chose que Internet Explorer et Adobe SVG Viewer!
May 2006
SVG Basics Tutorials - Scalable Vector Graphics by Hand
by 2 othersThe current focus of this site is to help people interested in hand-coding SVG graphics. If you didn't understand a lot of the previous paragraph, don't worry. The intent here is to get people familiar with SVG without worrying too much about the underlying XML standard. Once you understand some SVG you'll probably want to learn more about automating it with other tools. That might come up here later on, but for now it may be easiest to get that functionality from style sheets (in XSL) that can turn XML data into SVG.
A (Re)-Introduction to JavaScript - a photoset on Flickr
by 4 othersSlides from a three hour JavaScript tutorial at ETech 2006.
(4 marks)