November 2011
Shape Up Before Tummy Tuck: New Jersey
Tips on how to shape up and get ready for your tummy tuck. New Jersey residents experience better healing and fewer side effects.
September 2011
A Tummy Tuck New Jersey Can Improve the Look and Feel of Your Belly
A tummy tuck New Jersey will allow you to get a flatter mid-section without a million crunches. Also, if you’ve had a baby, you can also get your figure back much faster by having a doctor get rid of extra skin and fat. Before long, you may even have a figure similar to your favorite celebrity.
October 2010
New Jersey Tummy Tuck a Good Move for Lucy
A New Jersey tummy tuck performed at Parker Center was the right move for patient, Lucy. She was to have a hernia repair performed so went for the lipoabdominoplasty at the same time. The improvement made Lucy one happy patient.
(3 marks)