June 2007
Anonymous Proxy
Using This site you can unblock anysite from school, you can browse myspace , facebook , bebo , friendster even digg you can access.
May 2007
Spam Firewall Anonymous Mypace Proxy
FAST, FREE, and SAFE web browsing at School or Work! Bypass any firewall blocks to access MySpace, game sites, and more! Hosted on a fast dedicated server.
March 2007
Hide4u.info Personal Proxy To Unblock sites!
How do I visit blocked sites in my scholl As you might know that most of school blocked some websites that they think it will waste the bandwidth. They don't want you to use their internet connection to access those sites, but in fact that you love them very much, no day without visiting them. Just named it, gmail, myspace, youtube, digg, .. well you may have longer list than mine. So this morning I just stopped at this site. It allow me to open blocked websites in my school. All you need to do is that go to this website and enter the url you want to visit. I tried gmail and myspace, and it work well. Thanks for ide4u.info. Now i'm free, i can visit websites that i like
(3 marks)