02 November 2006
Maven 2.0
Article d'introduction à Maven
26 October 2006
Visual Editor Project
The Eclipse Visual Editor project is a vendor-neutral, open development platform supplying frameworks for creating GUI builders, and exemplary, extensible tool implementations for Swing/JFC and SWT/RCP. These tools are exemplary in that they verify the utility of the Eclipse Visual Editor frameworks, illustrate the appropriate use of those frameworks, and support the development and maintenance of the Eclipse Visual Editor Platform itself.
25 October 2006
Doc Check Doclet
The Sun Doc Check Doclet is an extension to the Javadoc tool It runs on source code and reviews documentation comments, generating an HTML report that identifies empty comments and other ommissions and irregularities in the documentation comments.
24 October 2006
Java Application Profiling using TPTP
he Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) Profiling tool can be used to profile Eclipse plug-ins, local Java(TM) applications or complex applications running on multiple hosts and different platforms. The tool is tightly integrated with Eclipse, allowing profiling of applications running from within Eclipse.
This article demonstrates how to use the TPTP Profiling tool to profile a Java application for identifying execution related hot spots. It shows how to start the profiling session, use the various TPTP views to analyze the data, identify methods with high execution time then jump to the source code to fix the performance problem.
23 October 2006
JAutodoc - Eclipse Plugin
JAutodoc is an Eclipse Plugin for automatic adding Javadoc to your source code. It optionally generates initial comments from element name.
Continuous Integration with Continuum
"Integrate early, integrate often." This is the underlying principle of continuous integration, a powerful development practice recently brought into the spotlight by the Agile methodologies. Apache Continuum is a flexible, easy-to-use tool that can help you put continuous integration into action.
In this article, we will go through the basic principals of continuous integration, and then focus on how we can use Continuum to set up a continuous integration server. We will cover installing and configuring the server and setting up a particular project, including how to check the project status and receive build failure notification in various ways
Profiling Your Applications with Eclipse Callisto
Callisto includes a powerful profiling tool called the Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform, or TPTP. TPTP provides a comprehensive suite of open source performance-testing and profiling tools, including integrated application monitoring, testing, tracing and profiling functionalities, and static-code analysis tools. Profiling tools are invaluable aids for localizing and identifying performance issues in all sorts of Java applications. In this article, we will look at how you can use TPTP to guarantee high-quality and high-performance code, even during unit and integration testing.
Maintain Better Coding Standards with Ease Using Checkstyle
Coding standards are a time-honored and widely respected programming best practice. However, they are not always easy to put into action. Find out how Checkstyle can help you define and enforce a set of coding standards and promote good and consistent programming habits across your team.
Checkstyle eclipse plugin
by 2 othersCheckstyle is a development tool written by Oliver Burn to help you ensure that your Java code adheres to a set of coding standards. Checkstyle does this by inspecting your Java source code and pointing out items that deviate from a defined set of coding rules.
The Wakaleo Blog
John Ferguson Smart is a J2EE project manager, software architect and developer.
He writes articles about Java, J2EE and project-management-related subjects, and about himself in the third person.
18 October 2006
Java best practices
Presentation of java best practices
Cruise control
by 8 othersCruiseControl is a framework for a continuous build process. It includes, but is not limited to, plugins for email notification, Ant, and various source control tools. A web interface is provided to view the details of the current and previous builds.
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