public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from neosho_test with tag "Blogmarks info"

23 July 2006 00:00

Bloglines integration - Blog

by 1 other
How does this work ? 1. Install the Greasemonkey Firefox extension

Spread Blogmarks ;-) - Blog

by 3 others
Spread Blogmarks ;-) by znarf then 25/02/2005 in propaganda API - Blog

by 5 others API by znarf then 21/03/2005 in developers We're proud to announce the first release of our API. It's an implementation of the Atom API so i'ts pure HTTP XML. In fact, Building an Atom enabled linkblog service was the first motivation in the project. The documentation is available on our developement wiki : see the page DeveloperDocs. Some tutorials are available to learn GET, POST, PUT and DELETE blogmark items. More examples and tutorials are coming.

22 July 2006 22:00

Blogmarks URIs - Blog

by 1 other
Blogmarks URIs by mbertier then 24/05/2005 in hacks exposes marks with a consistent uri scheme. Here is how it works :

22 July 2006 07:00

BlogSync reloaded - Blog

by 5 others
BlogSync reloaded by znarf then 07/06/2005 in devlog The original BlogSync feature was a little bit bugged. Sorry for all the problems you eventually had with it. Here is the good news, BlogSync must now work as expected. If it is not the case please email us (dev at or leave a comment on this post. We started a documentation effort about it on our Wiki.

BlogmarksEnable your site ! - Blog

by 3 others
BlogmarksEnable your site ! by mbertier then 09/06/2005 in hacks Just a little howto for those of you who would like to add a nice Add to link to the articles published on their blog (or anything else). The URL for the service is : Just throw a GET request to this URL, with the following parameters :

Services_Blogmarks PHP Toolkit - Blog

by 3 others
Services_Blogmarks PHP Toolkit by znarf then 12/06/2005 in developers We just released a PEAR Class which connect to the API. There are 5 methods for the moment : addMark(), updateMark(), deleteMark(), getMark(), getMarksList(), getTagsList(). We started a documentation page about it on our wiki. If you have an interest in PHP, Atom or have a look ! * Download class Services_Blogmarks * Download the bundle with all PEAR dependencies