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PUBLIC MARKS from misspaige with tags blogher & blogging

28 March 2006 21:00

IAlog » Panels for women, sure, but a toolbar for women?

Many of the BlogHer-organized panels were on topics of interest to the BlogHer community not strictly related to gender, for example an excellent panel on what happens when you mix personal blogging and professional life. At the same time, part of what BlogHer does is point out sexism in the blogosphere (e.g., the dismissal of “mommybloggers” by people who think it’s dandy for boys to blog about their toys), so some of the BlogHer panels did address those issues.

misspaige's TAGS related to tag blogher

blog +   blogging +   blogosphere +   daily +   metablogging +   music +   sxsw +   texas +   web +