public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tags tools & php5

January 2008

PHiMX - XMI code generator for PHP5

PHiMX is a command-line tool to generate XMI code of a project in PHP5.

December 2007

console-commandline - Google Code

Console_CommandLine is a full featured package for managing command line options and arguments highly inspired from python optparse module, it allows the developer to easily build complex command line interfaces.

September 2007

ruckusing - Google Code

Ruckusing Migrator is a "Database Migrations" framework for PHP5.

August 2007

SimplePie: Super-fast, easy-to-use, RSS and Atom feed parsing in PHP.

by 21 others
SimplePie is a very fast and easy-to-use class, written in PHP, that puts the ‘simple’ back into ‘really simple syndication’. Flexible enough to suit beginners and veterans alike, SimplePie is focused on speed, ease of use, compatibility and standards compliance.

Krumo: Version 2.0 of print_r(); and var_dump();

by 8 others
To put it simply, Krumo is a replacement for print_r() and var_dump(). By definition Krumo is a debugging tool (PHP4/PHP5), which displays structured information about any PHP variable.

About Asido | Asido: PHP Image Processing Solution

by 2 others
* o o Features o Drivers o Howtos o Roadmap o News * Documentation * Download * Bug Tracker * Forums Asido at Support This Project Ohloh Metrics Home » About Asido Asido is a PHP (PHP4/PHP5) image processing solution, with “pluggable” drivers(adapters) for virtually any environment: GD2, Magick Wand, Image Magick via shell, Image Magick via extension, etc.

Breaking news: R3 and StickleBack Yahoo tools Open Sourced | Federico Feroldi’s blog

I just received an awesome news from my manager. Two of the most important Yahoo’s platform tools have been published to the Open Source world for your pleasure:

July 2007

OpenID dans PEAR avec Services_Yadis - Kamelot Blog

Un package Services_Yadis a été proposé pour PEAR. Celui-ci fournit une implémentation PHP5 des spécifications 1.0 de Yadis [1] une condition des spécifications de l'authentification 2.0 d'OpenID.

June 2007

PEAR :: Package :: PHP_DocBlockGenerator

Creates the file Page block and the DocBlocks for includes, global variables, functions, parameters, classes, constants, properties and methods. Accepts parameters to set the category name, the package name, the author's name and email, the license, the package link, etc... Attempts to guess variable and parameters types.