public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag sql

October 2005

A Gentle Introduction to SQL

by 30 others (via)
Interactive sql tutorial - excellent

SQL Designer

by 22 others (via)
Modeliseur de BDD en AJAX. Impressionnant

July 2005

April 2005

March 2005

Trees in SQL

This theme is an old one of mine, but it is worth repeating. I have been seeing too many questions about SQL trees and hierarchies in the newsgroup discussions.

Paul M. Jones » Blog Archive » Database Portability

When we talk about database “portability” in PHP, we need to discuss three separate concepts. 1. API portability 2. Data type portability 3. Command and service portability I’ll address points 1 and 2 in this posting, and point 3 in a later one.

Agata Report

by 1 other
Connect to most popular databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, MS-SQL, Informix, InterBase, Sybase and FrontBase; Generate the complete ER-diagram from your Database; (Dia format)

Le SQL de A à Z - Fonctions SQL - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by 7 others (via)
Le présent tableau fait une synthèse des fonctions de la norme SQL, mais aussi des fonctions que l'on trouve dans les principaux dialectes des SGBDR que sont Paradox, Access, MySQL, PostGreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle et InterBase. Ce tableau ne prétend pas à l'exhaustivité mais permet la comparaison de l'implémentation des fonctions du SQL dans différents dialectes.

The following is a HOWTO document for installing PHP with iODBC as an Apache module on Linux or Unix.

TrimQuery - TrimPath - Trac

by 2 others (via)
For rich web application developers, the TrimQuery engine from TrimPath is a lightweight GPL open-source component that lets you have the power of SQL-like queries while running in a web browser.

January 2005

PHP REST SQL: A HTTP REST interface to MySQL written in PHP

by 3 others (via)
PHP REST SQL is a class used to open a HTTP REST interface to a MySQL database using PHP and a HTTP server. Using standard HTTP requests, the data in a database can be created, retrieved, modified and deleted.

SQL Support in Mozilla

Native SQL support for Mozilla

mbertier's TAGS related to tag sql

ajax +   apache +   applications +   bestpractices +   dev +   emacs +   example +   howto +   javascript +   linux +   mozilla +   php +   portability +   reference +   rest +   security +   tips +   tools +   tutorial +   xpfe +