public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag "integration continue"

November 2007

First release of phpUnderControl - Manuel Pichler

phpUnderControl integrates three of the best PHP development tools into CruiseControl, combined with an easy setup routine and a small example project. With the provided XSL-Stylesheets the generated output of PHPUnit, PHP_CodeSniffer and phpDocumentor can be visualized in CruiseContro

February 2007

sin: Continuous Integration Rethought

by 1 other
We have learned that Continuous Integration can help us catch bugs early. Continuous Integration is the concept of continuously building and testing software using an automated process. I'll begin by describing how most (if not all) existing Continuous Integration systems work and the problems with that approach. Then I'll explain what Sin does differently and what benefits the user get from doing it this way.

January 2007

Test-AutoBuild: Home

Test-AutoBuild is a continuous integration harness for automatically running build and test processes without the need for user interaction.

January 2006


by 2 others
PHPLint is not simply a checker: it implements a new, strong typed, language implemented over PHP.

December 2005

Bitten - Trac

by 2 others
Bitten is a Python-based framework for collecting various software metrics via continuous integration. It builds on Trac to provide an integrated web-based user interface.

CruiseControl Plugin for Trac - Trac

Replace the existing (pretty crap) Cruise Control reporting application by a Trac plugin.

mbertier's TAGS related to tag "integration continue"

bestpractices +   clevermarks +   dev +   php +   plugin +   subversion +   testing +   tools +   trac +