16 November 2005
Another missing piece in the RoR for the enterprise puzzle
using STOMP to connect to a jms server from Rails
10 November 2005
Max Kiesler - mHub
Ajax and rails examples & how-to's
Typo 2.6.0 released
some notes important to people with existing themes
31 October 2005
26 October 2005
Lifting typo onto ActionWebService
by 1 othera guide to implementing web services in Rails XML-RPC, SOAP, etc.
How To Use Many To Many Against A Single Table in Ruby on Rails
has and belongs to many of the same thing
21 October 2005
New Active Record Options for Associations
destroying or nullifying dependent records
M@ McCray » Blog Archive » Simple Row Style Alternator
simple and sweet
Using Named Placeholders in Ruby
named placeholders in sql
17 October 2005
14 October 2005
M@ Projects - theme_generator
manages themes for rails sites (gem)
12 October 2005
using gettext to internationalize rails apps
by 2 othersi think i'd rather just use multiple files with the region code in the name or some similar scheme
06 October 2005
Distributing Rails Applications - A Tutorial
by 6 otherstransform a Rails application into a standalone application
05 October 2005
it's a weed! growing out of control!
where to get weed's source (horrible looking in firefox)
Weed - Like mint, but less green, if you know what I mean
by 4 othersopen source web site statistics software
Taskdispatcher: user : login
Task manager inspired by the book Ship It, a practical guide to successfully software projects
Understanding Migrations in Ruby on Rails
ActiveRecord migration tool to upgrade or downgrade your rails apps
RailsProductGenerator in Ruby on Rails
make productized rails apps
RubyForge: TagTools: Project Info
another rails tagging lib
RubyForge: rails-analyzer-tools-1.1.0
tools for monitoring and tuning your rails apps
RubyForge: Search Engine Generator for Rails Apps: Project Info
SearchGenerator's rubyforge project
SearchGenerator in Ruby on Rails
a search engine for rails.. could be better