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PUBLIC MARKS from m.meixide with tag video



TwitCasting is a service to let you stream live video for free right from your iPhone/Android. Try TwitCasting Live to share the great momenents with your friends / Twitter followers.


CINEDELIA + Belo Monte, Historia de uma Guerra

Cinedelia é uma equipe de profisionais interessados em formular discursos audiovisuais de alta qualidade na sua forma e conteudo. Acreditamos na importância da comunicação efetiva que possibilita e favorece o dialogo em escala global, e no potencial das produções independentes para participar ativamente no processo comunicativo. O projeto Belo Monte, Historia de uma Guerra é um projeto de filme longa metragem de ficção. O roteiro dramático tem como base o conflito real da questão indígena em contraponto ao desenvolvimento supostamente representado pela a construção da usina hidrelétrica de “Belo Monte”. Em 1975 se iniciaram discussões e debates em torno da construção da UHBM (Usina Hidroelétrica de Belo Monte), na epoca o projeto se chamava Kararaô e as comunidades indígenas do Xingu e de outras regiões do Brasil se posicionaram contrarias ao projeto desde então. A dramaticidade aqui criada e o ponto de vista da personagem principal é dirigida afim de representar uma ruptura com a forma atual de se fazer negócios na sociedade “civilizada”. Como uma pluma em meio a ventania é a voz contraria a violência com a qual “Belo Monte” está sendo implementada. A idéia principal do filme é humanizar o fato político resultado desse conflito de visão de mundo.


Nicolas BENOIT's Homepage - Projects - MMS Ripper

MMS Ripper: MMSRIP is a client for the proprietary protocol MMS://. It actually saves to a file the content being streamed. Please remember that this is not intended for real use, its existence is only and must only be documentary.

Divulgare's Channel on YouTube

Vídeos do grupo de traballo DIVULGARE, que nace da necesidade do grupo de Investigación de Ecoloxía e Evolución de Plantas da Universidade de Vigo, de realizar divulgación científica: información actualizada e contrastada, e que se entenda por todos.


O grupo de traballo DIVULGARE nace da necesidade do grupo de Investigación de Ecoloxía e Evolución de Plantas da Universidade de Vigo, de realizar divulgación científica: información actualizada e contrastada, e que se entenda por todos.

divulgare on Vimeo

Vídeos en Vimeo do grupo de traballo DIVULGARE, que nace da necesidade do grupo de Investigación de Ecoloxía e Evolución de Plantas da Universidade de Vigo, de realizar divulgación científica: información actualizada e contrastada, e que se entenda por todos.

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by 1 other - find, collect and publish your favorite online video

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DeVeDe, DVD Authoring, Video to DVD/VCD/SVCD/CVD/Divx Software | majorsilence

by 1 other
DeVeDe is a program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, SVCD or CVD), suitable for DVD players, from any number of video files. Many different video formats are supported (mpeg, mpeg4, avi, asf, youtube and google flash videos, wmv, ogg, etc...). DeVeDe is an open source program and is free for all use. DeVeDe is used to create ISO files and burn DVDs.

Free File Converter | Online file conversion - pdf docx odt flac xlsx jpg xls ods csv ppt odp mp3 wpd xlsx txt rtf bmp gif png tga tiff wbmp 3gp ac3 avi flac mov mp3 mp4 mpeg wav wmv rm swf flv aac ac3 m4a mp4 ogg wa

by 2 others
Using FreeFileConvert you can convert your files from one format to another, we support conversion from all popular file types and you can also download your videos from a large number of online portals pdf docx odt flac xlsx jpg xls ods csv ppt odp mp3 wpd xlsx txt rtf bmp gif png tga tiff wbmp 3gp ac3 avi flac mov mp3 mp4 mpeg wav wmv rm swf flv aac ac3 m4a mp4 ogg wa

Zamzar - Free online file conversion

by 3 others
Zamzar supports conversion between a wide variety of different file formats. We're adding support for new formats all the time * Document formats * Image formats * Music formats * Video formats * E-Book formats * Compressed formats * CAD formats

authorSTREAM Online PowerPoint Presentations and Slideshow Sharing

by 2 others
Share them with the world Discover what slide sharing is all about and share your PowerPoint presentations on the Web as a unique link (URL) to send via e-mail, or embed them in your blogs or websites. Download as Video You can download your presentations as video, and share them on YouTube or via iPods, or watch them on your DVD player. Present and Discuss Live Present your slides live over the Internet without any hassle of software downloads. Create your Channel to showcase your work Add videos in PowerPoint slides as a file or insert YouTube videos to create compelling multimedia presentations that the world will love, and showcase your work in your own personalized presentation channels.

Wonderslide - Free online PowerPoint to video/DVD converter

Wonderslide provides FREE online service for converting PowerPoint to video. No add-ons and no installation required.

Convert PowerPoint To Video: Guide To The Best Free Services

Looking for a way to convert your PowerPoint presentations to video clips? Want to share your presentations with a broader audience, including those who do not have a copy of PowerPoint installed? Your search is over: in this MasterNewMedia guide you can find all of the best free services to convert your PowerPoint presentations to video.

JODConverter | Art of Solving

# Microsoft Office to OpenDocument, and viceversa * Word to OpenDocument Text (odt); OpenDocument Text (odt) to Word * Excel to OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods); OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods) to Excel * PowerPoint to OpenDocument Presentation (odp); OpenDocument Presentation (odp) to PowerPoint # Any format to PDF * OpenDocument (Text, Spreadsheet, Presentation) to PDF * Word to PDF; Excel to PDF; PowerPoint to PDF * RTF to PDF; WordPerfect to PDF; ... # And more * OpenDocument Presentation (odp) to Flash; PowerPoint to Flash * RTF to OpenDocument; WordPerfect to OpenDocument * Any format to HTML (with limitations) * Support for 1.0 and old StarOffice formats

European Commission - Conferences webTV Portal

How to use this portal: The announcement of live webcasts is published in advance. Live Internet webcasts are available on the home page from the time foreseen in the agenda. After the events, online video-recordings provide an easy to use, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly resource. Browsing the list in the Archive , you can find the event or presentation you are interested in.

Videoconferencia en GNU/Linux

Videoconferencia en GNU/Linux Ubuntu 9.04 con aMSN 0.98 » – V6.1

Os Arquivos da Meiga (Audiovisual en galego)

Longametraxes, Longametraxes de animación, Series, Series de animación, Curtametraxes, Curtametraxes de animación, Documentais, Programas de TV, Banda deseñada, libros, etc, Música, Vídeos na Rede e Caldeirada de arquivos.

m.meixide's TAGS related to tag video

almacén +   amsn +   audio +   audiochat +   blogs +   brasil +   cine +   cultura +   culturas +   doc +   dvd +   eu +   galego +   Galiza +   gnu +   imaxe +   informática +   libros +   linux +   loita +   lusofonía +   media +   meu mundo +   música +   mp3 +   natureza +   p2p +   pelis +   PermaculturaEcoloxia +   plugin +   pps +   ppt +   presentaciones +   radio +   rede +   streaming +   telefonia +   traducción +   tv +   TwitCasting +   ubuntu +   utilidade +   venda +   videochat +   web2 +   webcam +   windows +