public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from lunar with tag humor

June 2005

Vador n'était pas son père...

by 3 others
Variations sur le thème d'une révélation...

April 2005

SCIgen - An automatic CS paper generator

by 4 others
SCIgen is a program that generates random Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations.

by 3 others
Tetris 1D

February 2005

linux virgin

linux virgin 1.1-1.5 series, an erotic and informative video series about learning to build a computer to run linux on.

Piled Higher and Deeper

"Piled Higher and Deeper" (PhD) is the popular comic strip about life (or the lack thereof) in grad school.

lunar's TAGS related to tag humor

bd +   bunny +   comic +   computer science +   erotic +   free software +   gender issues +   pipotron +