AOL、広告関連組織「Platform-A」を欧州へも展開 - ITmedia News
"AOLはこれまで、欧州ではAdvertising.comやADTECH、buy.atなどの広告事業を展開してきた。Platform-Aはこうした事業をまとめるほか、QuigoやTACODA、Third Screen Mediaなどの買収で得た検索や広告関連の技術も統合。広告主に対し、「最善のマーケティングツールと技術」を「1つの窓口から」提供できるとしている。"
Yahoo Formally Rejects Microsoft Bid [SearchEngineWatch]
"AOL doesn't have its own search index, but licenses Google's, so an AOL tie-up would likely see Yahoo keep its search and search ad operations. AOL has been investing heavily in advertising technology, adding Tacoda (behavioral targeting), AdTech (ad serving, big in Europe), Lightningcast (video ads), Quigo (contextual ads) and Third Screen Media (mobile ads) to its newly formed Platform A business, built around the base of its Advertising.com ad network."
paidContent.org - The Economics of Content - AOL To Buy Contextual Ad Company Quigo For $300 Million: Report
(via)AOL (NYSE: TWX) is in the process of acquiring New York/Israel-based ad targeting provider Quigo for $300 million, according to Haaretz, an Israeli daily newspaper.
AOL To Acquire Behavioral Targeting Ad Network Tacoda
AOL owns the largest online ad network, Advertising.com, and will be integrating BT capabilities into that property as well as others across its network.
TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » AOLも広告ネットワーク所有
AOL Acquires Truveo, Inc.
"AOL Extends Leadership in Video Search with Addition of Truveo's Next-Generation 'Visual Crawler' Technology"
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