12 November 2006
Indoor Plant Gardening
[...]cs gardening is the perfect solution for anybody who wants a garden, but does not have enough space or dirt. Hydroponics gardening is, simply put, a method of growing plants using a nutrient solution instead of dirt. With [...]Tags: Indoor Gard...
Indoor Gardening Container
[...] There are no doubts about the benefits of using hydrogen peroxide properly in a hydroponics system. This becomes especially true if your nutrient reservoir is kept above 72 degrees. Warm water holds less dissolved oxygen, a[...]Tags: Indoor Gard...
Indoor Herbal Gardening
[converted to Unicode] [...]s true that we spend most of our time, almost 80% of it, in indoor spaces. We?re used to worrying about the air outdoors. We complain about pollution, gas emissions and smog. However, indoor air can be more hazardous than out[.
11 November 2006
Learn Rose Gardening
[...]ic long-stemmed rose is the instantly recognizable signature of hybrid teas, and it's what makes them the most popular variety of roses. Public gardens feature special sections devoted to roses, especially colorful hybrid tea[...]Tags: Rose Garden...
10 November 2006
Indoor Gardening Encyclopedia
[...] If you love fresh spaghetti sauce or pesto, than you've just got to have fresh basil and other herbs all year round! Sure, a nice 1 X 4 window garden getting at least 4 or 5 hours of direct light [...]Tags: Indoor Gardening Indoor Gardening Ency...
05 November 2006
Gardening Rose Self Starting Rose Hips
[...]the course of time, black roses have conjured up a variety of symbolic meanings. From unnatural worlds to death, vengeance, farewell or rebirth, the black rose has come to be viewed in a number of different ways depending on [...]Tags: Rose Garden...
(6 marks)