WordPress › Organize Series « WordPress Plugins
by 1 otherThe Organize Series WordPress Plugin helps with the organization and presentation of articles/posts you write as part of a series. It helps make it easier for readers of your blog to discover all the series you've written and also to easily find post that are part of the same series.
Organize Series actually adds a new taxonomy to the WordPress taxonomy structure so your blog would have "categories", "tags", and "series" as the taxonomy types.
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PLUGIN JQUERY ARTE: AJOUTER DU TEMPS REEL SUR VOS PAGES WEB jquery, plugin, ajax, temps r�el, page dynamique, Source N�51195 Javascript / Ajax / DHTML
g�re une boucle en arri�re plan, configurable, afin d'ex�cuter des requ�tes Ajax r�guli�rement.
Cela permet essentiellement d'ajouter des fonctionnalit�s 'temps r�el' � votre page web.
jQuery annotate plugin can add full HTML annotations to HTML5 video or audio elements