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PUBLIC MARKS from kasi77 with tags groupe:clever-age & framework

March 2008

Ext JS - JavaScript Library

by 23 others
Ext is a client-side, JavaScript framework for building web applications. In early 2006, Jack Slocum began working on a set of extension utilities for the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) library. These extensions were quickly organized into an independent library of code and distributed under the name "yui-ext." In the fall of 2006, Jack released version .33 of yui-ext, which turned out to be the final version of the code under that name (and under the open source BSD license). By the end of the year, the library had gained so much in popularity that the name was changed simply to Ext, a reflection of its maturity and independence as a layout:'fit',framework. A company was formed in early 2007, and Ext is now dual-licensed under the LGPL and a commercial license. The library officially hit version 1.0 on April 1, 2007.

June 2007

symfony Web PHP framework » symfony Weblog » Is symfony too slow for real-world usage?

Let’s finish by saying that in most cases, symfony does not compete with RoR or Django. The choice is often between symfony, .Net and Java Struts, because these are the real alternatives for professional developments.

April 2007

symfony Web PHP framework » symfony Weblog » Symfony forge beta is out

Thanks to the work of Jonathan Wage, the Symfony Forge is up for beta. From the home page of the site: Symfony-forge is a site dedicated to symfony plugins, software, and the community symfony users/developers. Here you will find complete API documentation for all plugins, a growing database of plugins to work with, and other misc. tools to help organize and guide the plugin development for symfony.

February 2007

PHP.NET pour Visual Studio .NET avec Phalanger - PHP Language Compiler for .NET Framework -

by 1 other
The Phalanger is a complex solution giving web-application developers the ability to benefit from both the ease-of-use and effectiveness of the PHP language and the power and richness of the .NET platform. (article en Français)

January 2007

November 2006

Article : Symfony, ou comment coder plus confortablement ;)

by 6 others

October 2006

DLFP: Du nouveau chez Alfresco : Parution de la version 1.4 et du module WCM

by 1 other
près la parution de la version 1.0 il y a un an, puis la libération complète des sources en mai 2006, Alfresco continue sa rapide évolution et annonce la parution de deux produits : Alfresco ECM version 1.4 "community", orienté Gestion De Contenu d'Entreprise qui apporte les nouveautés suivantes :Gestion des processus métiers , par intégration de jBPM (projet JBoss) Gestion des archives et plans de classements (Record Management) Une traçabilité orientée services (Audit Trail) Un tableau de bord "MonAlfresco" Des performances améliorées sur les très gros volumes Des exécutables virtuels permettant le lancement d'actions à travers CIFS Des actions adressables par URL (architecture REST) Ajout d'un framework AJAX

May 2006

The Web 2.0 Dev PHP Framewok

by 1 other (via)
Gone are the days of coding entire PHP apps from scratch. These are the 5 forerunners for the next generation of PHP frameworks. Each one of these frameworks has some foreword thinking quality that sets them apart from the PHP frameworks of yesterday. Many of these are a response to the recent Ruby on Rails, rapid application development hype, and some, like PHP on Trax is a direct port of Ruby on Rails. Of the frameworks listed below, I have learned AGAVI as well as Symfony. I can honestly say I don’t have the desire to build a PHP app from scratch ever again. These frameworks make it so easy to get started and have a working app you’ll want to create apps just for the hell of it.