public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from julie with tags web & google

May 2008

Google Doctype - Google Code

by 5 others

Google Doctype is an open encyclopedia and reference library. Written by web developers, for web developers. It includes articles on web security, JavaScript DOM manipulation, CSS tips and tricks, and more. The reference section includes a growing library of test cases for checking cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility.

January 2008

Advanced Web Metrics by Brian Clifton » Blog Archive » Tracking links to direct downloads - Automatically

Following on from my previous post Tracking banners and other outgoing links automatically, this GA hack allows you to track downloads automatically. As you may know, tracking download files such as PDF, EXE, DOC and XLS can be achieved quite easily with the modification of the link to include an urchinTracker call to log a virtual pageview. However, as for tracking outgoing links, manually modifying each download link becomes inefficient when there are large numbers of ever changing files to track. You can overcome this by applying the JavaScript code below:

April 2007

La journée des développeurs Google

by 2 others (via)
31 mai 2007 Google Developer Day - Des outils pour des applications Web encore plus performantes Google souhaite aider les développeurs à toujours construire de meilleures applications. C’est dans cet esprit que nous avons créé les APIs et les outils qui vous permettent d'optimiser rapidement vos applications, de les intégrer avec des produits Google et ainsi d'atteindre des millions d'utilisateurs. Et c'est également pour cette raison que nous organisons le Google Developer Day

July 2006

Google Accessible Search

by 6 others (via)
Accessible Web Search for the Visually Challenged