Weblog.fr, XHTML, CSS, Accessibilité, Marketing, Design web
Create Resizable Images With CSS | Smiley Cat Web Design
by 2 othersMethod One uses a background image. The main disadvantage of this method (other than the fact that the image is taken out of the content) is that I couldn't find a way to keep the image in the center of the div.
Method Two — my preferred solution — places the image inside the div in the HTML. This enables it to be centered within the div (thanks to Jonathan Snook for helping out with the CSS).
Habillage du site de Paris Web - romy.tetue.net
by 1 other (via)Notes de Romy sur la création du design de http://2007.paris-web.fr/
Intéressant de voir d'où elle est partie, par où elle est passée pour aboutir à quelquechose d'élégant et efficace.