24 December 2006
WPKG - Windows software deployment tool
WPKG is an automated software deployment, upgrade and removal program for Windows. It can be used to push/pull software packages, such as Service Packs, hotfixes, or program installations from a central server (for example, Samba or Active Directory) to a
Voilà le premier éditeur d'installation pour Windows Vista. Il permet de retirer nombre de composants du système afin d'avoir un système plus léger. A utiliser avec précautions.
Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk for M$ Networks
The Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk is a DOS bootdisk that provides TCP/IP networking support. It's designed for use in Microsoft networking environments, on either peer-to-peer or domain based LANs. Currently 88 different network card drivers all inclu
Ubuntu Customization Kit
by 1 otherUCK is a tool that helps you customizing official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. You can add any package to the live system, for example language packs, or applications.
by 1 otherSystemImager is software that automates Linux installs, software distribution, and production deployment.
Road to Linux
Le génial Renzo (si, si!) s'échine à proposer à chaque nouvelle version d'Ubuntu Linux (depuis la 5.10) un pack de logiciels indispensables à installer via une interface toute simple et surtout sans avoir besoin d'une connection internet, en complém
19 December 2006
ie7 ET ie6
Une méthode pour installer IE7 en version standalone. Plus besoin de lancer une machine virtuelle juste pour tester son site web. Fonctionne très bien avec l'extension firefox IETab.
Fully Automatic Installation (Debian)
FAI est un ensemble de scripts et d'exécutables qui sert à installer automatiquement des machines sous Debian GNU/Linux.
Tutorial Universal Extractor
Voici un petit logiciel qui va vous rendre bien des services. En effet, Universal Extractor est un logiciel de décompression un peu particulier puisqu'il permet de créer des applications portables (pour clé USB ou autre support amovible) à partir de p
Firefox Corporate Project
Do you want to deploy Firefox throughout your organization? Have you looked at other MSI's out there and wanted an easy way to create your own, the way you want, and still have group policy support built-in? Do you want non-Administrators to have group po
18 December 2006
Deploying Firefox
Many people are using Firefox at home, and many also want to use it at work or see it on public computers such as at libraries or Internet Cafes. This article describes how to deploy Firefox in a corporate environment, at both small and large business, as
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