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PUBLIC MARKS from jinjiru with tags programming & ruby

April 2005 Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2

by 5 others (via)
In Rolling with Ruby on Rails, I barely scratched the surface of what you can do with Ruby on Rails. I didn't talk about data validation or database transactions, and I did not mention callbacks, unit testing, or caching. There was hardly a mention of the many helpers that Rails includes to make your life easier. I can't really do justice to all of these topics in the space of this article, but I will go into details on some of them and present a brief overview of the rest, with links to more detailed information. Rolling with Ruby on Rails

by 14 others (via)
Maybe you've heard about Ruby on Rails, the super productive new way to develop web applications, and you'd like to give it a try, but you don't know anything about Ruby or Rails. This article steps through the development of a web application using Rails. It won't teach you how to program in Ruby, but if you already know another object-oriented programming language, you should have no problem following along (and at the end you can find links on learning Ruby).

Rails Cookbook | Hieraki

by 3 others
Howto make a (small) publication management app This howto will show you how to build a RoR app a bit advanced using belongs_to, has_many and has_and_belongs_to_many and authenticate authors. This howto uses things learned in the TodoList howto, in the api doc, and in the irc channel.

January 2005

Getting started with Ruby (Loud Thinking)

by 17 others
What Ruby lacks more than anything is good starting points for getting into the language. There's a bunch of absolutely excellent resources out there, though. I've attempted to summarize the best of them by category.

Howto Authenticate in Rails

Note that with the new generator framework introduced in rails 0.9 you can now use the Login Generator to get a working authentication framework for your application going in seconds!

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