October 2008
Exploring the REST and AtomPub as WS-* Stack Alternatives
(via)Kurt Cagle of The Burton Group, explores the "RESTful Stack" as an alternative to WS-* web services and looks at the growing importance of standards and technologies such as Atom, the Atom Publishing Protocol, and XQuery. Presented as part of HR-XML's webinar series. see http://www.hr-xml.org/blog
November 2006
SOAP ou REST, que choisir?
Web Services Convention
Juin 2004
Comparer ce qui est comparable
Introduction aux Web Services
by 1 other (via)
Lors de cette présentation, nous essaierons d'améliorer notre compréhension des Web Services, ferons un survol des normes les plus importantes de l'industrie (WSDL, SOAP et UDDI) et regarderons rapidement quels sont les alternatives d'implémentations (styles et REST).
La vidéo : http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=3598302564468341554&q=web+services
(3 marks)