Pinboard: social bookmarking for introverts
Pinboard is a fast, no-nonsense bookmarking site.
No ads, no fluff.
Ideas don’t come from nothing. Nah. That is why we all are in a constant pursuit of discoveries and new sources of inspiration. All these great things, however, have a mischievous tendency to get lost in a mess we make of them, and eventually finding them on our own computer might turn out to be harder than it was on the World Wide Web.
Dragdis is here to make collecting things seamless by helping you put your discoveries to the right place the second you come across them. Drag & drop anything anywhere. Collect images, texts, links or videos to your private folders or post directly to Facebook, Twitter & (soon to come) Tumblr, Dropbox, Pinterest etc.
Collaborative Journalism | Publish2
by 1 otherThe Web’s largest newsroom: Journalists collaborate to curate the news.
Twine Could Soon Surpass Delicious, Prepares Ontology Authoring Tool - ReadWriteWeb
by 2 othersNova Spivack's semantic web company Twine is developing a free service to write and host semantic ontologies; the classification trees that enable machines to put concepts in topical context. Ready to play Aristotle and create an ontology of cheese, model airplanes, global anti-hunger organizations or any other topic?
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