public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregR with tag accessibilité

February 2007

Talking about Ajax and Accessibility at Abilitynet - Wait till I come!

the ins and outs of Ajax and its accessibility issues. You can download the presentation – PDF 400KB

April 2006

The Behaviour Layer

by 10 others (via)
The Behaviour Layer Using JavaScript for good, not evil

Juicy Studio: A Journey Through Accessibility

From "tag generation" to the "WYSIWOYS generation". Roberto Scano identifies web accessibility problems throughout the web generations, and summarises where we are now, and what we can expect for the future

March 2006

Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

by 27 others (via)
That's why I came up with Behaviour - my solution to unobtrusive javascript behaviours.

October 2005

Pour l'accessibilité des sites web publics, maintenant

by 10 others
Pour l'accessibilité numérique des services publics maintenant !

gregR's TAGS related to tag accessibilité

ajax +   css +   javascript +   présentation +   webdev +   xhtml +