MongoDB Aggregation I: Counting and Grouping | Kyle Banker
by 1 otherSerie of 3 posts on MongoDB aggregation. The group() function is awesomely powerful.
PHP & MongoDB Sitting in a Tree: Part 1 | Inside DealTaker
by 2 others (via)"Yet another MongoDB and PHP tutorial, say it ain’t so! Well yes, but this tutorial aims to be more complete than the others out there."
MongoKit Documentation — MongoKit v0.5 documentation
The documentation of MongoKit, "a python module that brings structured schema and validation layer on top of the great pymongo driver. It has be written to be simpler and lighter as possible with the KISS and DRY principles in mind."
ServerGrove Blog » Blog Archive » MongoDB with PHP and symfony
by 2 others (via)Example of how to use MongoDB with PHP and Symfony. Introduction to ODM, part of Doctrine.
Create a Simple App with Django and MongoDB: Part 1 - Reza Muhammad
Beginning of a tutorial on how to create a simple app with Django and MongoDB.
Developing scalable PHP applications using MongoDB - PHP Classes blog - PHP Classes
Nowadays there is a new kind of databases that is getting very popular, specially for Web development, including the PHP world, which are the NoSQL databases.
This article focus specifically on MongoDB, despite there are several other NoSQL database implementations.
Introduction To MongoDB
A introduction slideshow on MongoDB, a NoSQL database.
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