March 2007
November 2006
New on edge: Magic join model creation
habtm fun
August 2006
Hivelogic: Articles: Building Ruby, Rails, LightTPD, and MySQL on Tiger
by 16 others (via)Install ruby , rails on mac os X tiger
July 2006
RESTful in Rails
June 2006
Shovel Lighttpd Deployment for TextDrive | Ruby on Rails for Newbies
by 1 otherRails deployment on TxD using Capistrano
May 2006
Act as taggable
(via)mybook =
mybook.tag_with('red library book')
mybook.tag_list #gives back 'red library book'
Book.find_tagged_with('library') #gives your Book
April 2006
Unspace - Open Says Me
Browser compatibility check.
A very simple template for act_as
Gullery Photo Gallery | Ruby on Rails for Newbies
A photo gallery with rails...
Nabble - Search for '%s'
Search the Ruby on Rails mailing list
Ruby Forum - Models accessing the session...
by 1 otherDiscussion on solutions for securing the model depending on the current logged in user.