public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fotopol with tag gallery



Site groupant des enthousiastes de la microscopie,

Nikon Small World - Nikon Small World Museum Tour

How to share the beauty and wonder of Small World with your family and friends. Each year, the Small World Exhibit travels throughout North America at selected museums and centers for science. For exhibit hours and directions, please visit the website of each institution.



by 4 others (via)
Extraordinaires photographies d'animaux sauvages , en noir blanc.


Jill Britton's Escher Gallery

Galerie d'images de M.-C. Escher, résolution moyenne

Jody Melanson - Scream Savers Inc.- powered by SmugMug

Galerie de photographies de sujets variés. Des portraits souvent très retouchés, sujet à discussion

HubbleSite - Gallery

by 2 others
Capture the extraordinary. Explore the universe through Hubble's eye, and witness the most dangerous, spectacular and mysterious depths of the cosmos.


Kinsman Physics Productions Photo Galleries

by 1 other
Formidables images scientifiques, ici des cristaux de neige

Polaroid Gallery v.1.01

by 15 others (via)
Mise en page interactive d'images importées par exemple de Flickr

Panoramic Photography

site "délirant" sur des thèmes photographiques et électroniques.

Microscope Imaging Station. Gallery.

by 1 other
The Microscope Imaging Station produces high-resolution images and movies using research-grade microscopes. This gallery contains a range of images and movies that illustrate the diversity of what can be seen with light microscopes. The museum of science, art and human perception at the Palace of Fine Arts, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123

Crystal Photography Equipment Photo Gallery by Eli Finkelstein at

by 1 other (via)
ressources sur les méthodes de création,d'observation et de préparation de cristallisations pour photomicrographie en lumière polarisée.

Mars 3D Anaglyph Gallery

by 1 other
Mars 3D Anaglyph Gallery Mars Opportunity Rover

:: View Forum - Macro and Close-up Photography Gallery

An online community devoted to the practices of photomacrography and amateur microscopy. Site de Tom Webster Forum dédié à la macrophotographie

Mic-UK [site A]: the Micropolitan Museum

Images stacking, images composites, Helicon,Combinez etc...Images d'une qualité exceptionnelle.

Fractal Gallery 6

Anne's fractala menagerie Galeries d'images fractales

ESO - Image Archive

The ESO Public Image Archive contains selected astronomical photos with sufficient image resolution for professional reproduction, photos of the various ESO facilities, of people and events, as well as other interesting material

The Stephen Wiltshire Gallery - Drawings, paintings and prints

by 2 others (via)
la galerie de dessins de Stephen Wiltshire, un génie du dessin. Documents multimedias proposés