Ecriture en ligne
1. Ecrire pour être lu
2. L’art d’être succinct sans être aride
3. Ecrire pour tous les niveaux d’intérêt
4. Conclusion
A List Apart
How to write good. Urp. Writing to communicate. Writing and editing for the web. Copy as user interface
Writing for the web - tips, ideas and resources
Why is writing for the web different?
What's not different?
The web writing style
Using links in your writing
Using whitespace on a page
Other web writing resources
When is a long document not a long document?
Tips for web-proofing a long document
lifehack.org ? Fifty (50!) Tools which can help you in Writing
by 22 othersRoy Peter Clark from Poynter Institute has posted up 50 tools that can help you when you do any kinds of writing. This is a extensive list of writing tools, but by no mean you need to apply all of them when you do any writing.
(23 marks)