January 2006
November 2005
CEDICT: Chinese-English Dictionary
this site contains some useful links too 除了字典,还包含一些有用的连接
EzChinese Home
some Chinese learning materials and a free Pinyin tool for download
teaching Chinese language and culture online on 43 Things
my 43 things planning page
second most used Chinese Characters(= Chinese words, see http://blog.360.yahoo.com/rss-iQD3iO07cqsCAIzrlB5deA--)
most used Chinese Characters(= Chinese words, see http://blog.360.yahoo.com/rss-iQD3iO07cqsCAIzrlB5deA--)
Yahoo! 360° - Chinese Languange, Enlightenment
Chinese is easy, let me help you learn to speak, read and understand Chinese online
Yahoo! 360° - My Page for learning Mandarin or Cantonese Chinese online
Chinese is easy, let me help you learn to speak, read and understand Chinese online
(10 marks)