public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tag journalism


Le mariage de l'info et du jeu vidéo -

et si, pour aller plus loin, le web-journaliste utilisait le jeu vidéo comme un nouvel outil ? Ces dernières années, on a assisté au développement tous azimuts des serious games, des jeux vidéo dotés d'une "intention sérieuse" : pédagogie, formation, recrutement, marketing… Et pourquoi pas information ?


Espritblog - Ecrire pour le Web, formation soundslides, conseil éditorial.

by 1 other
L’esprit Blog propose : • Une réflexion sur les nouvelles pratiques du métier de journalisme, vues d’ici et d’ailleurs. • Un regard sur les médias en ligne. • Des coups de coeur, Des coups de gueule. • Des ressources pour bien blogger, podcaster ou videocaster.

Yale Environment 360

Major corporations in the U.S. have shown an increased willingness to voluntarily reduce their impact on climate change despite a sluggish economy, according to a new scorecard produced by the nonprofit group Climate Counts.

Reuters: Times of Crisis

by 3 others
L'agence de presse Reuters a son fil d'info en continu. Les info sont classées en six thèmes : à la une, économie, sport, technologie, insolite . ils ont produit un web documentaire

Ouf ! Le journalisme n'est pas mort (mais va falloir se bouger) - Le fil télévision - Télé

LE FIL TÉLÉVISION - A Berlin, hier soir, on ne discutait plus des fictions en compétition mais de l'avenir d'une profession, confrontée à la crise économique, à la baisse de crédibilité et d'audience des médias traditionnels, et à la concurrence du Web. Pas vraiment de scoops, mais un invité vedette à suivre de près : l'Américain Danny Schechter, journaliste, blogueur, réalisateur et écrivain.

2007 media blog » Blog Archive » Personal Journalism

Personal Journalism is just as ethical as old-school public journalism. It still values facts, fairness, truth telling and good reporting. It’s just that personal journalism is written differently. It is written from one person, a person we can identify and identify with, for one person. The byline is more than a name under a headline in Personal Journalism. It is the persona and the personality. Personal journalists do more than report the story. They let us see at least a little about who they are, what they believe, what drives them and what they find important. If a personal journalist has a bias, we know it. That is part of the truth-telling tradition all journalists should endorse, but only personal journalists make it a practice. Personal Journalism is shareable because people like to share what has touched them in a direct, intimate way, be it a song, a video or a good story. Personal Journalists let other people help with the fact gathering or putting the facts in context, because Personal Journalism is part of a conversation, not a proprietary, walled garden. Personal journalists can be writers, recorders or picture takers, but for the sake of clarity, I’ve written the definition from a writer’s point of view. In the future, all journalists will be personal journalists. Within five to ten years, if you’re not a personal journalist, you will be out of work, and if your news organization hasn’t embraced personal journalism, it will be out of business. Well, that may be going a bit too far, because I’m not sure personal journalism is required of those who report for print or broadcast, but it is required of online journalists. So long as print survives, even in newsletters for the elderly and the elite, public journalism will survive. In the online world, personal journalism will be the only journalism people consistently seek.

Journalistopia » Web sites for citizen journalism techniques, tutorials

A world for online journalists. Come all ye scribes, artists and innovators of the press.


Docu-Blog/Steve's POV: J School Dean takes on Bloggers. Why?

Nick Leamon - the Dean of the Columbia School of Journalism - came out swinging with a barbed criticism of Bloggers in the New Yorker last week titled "Journalism without Journalists."