public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags usager & idea

January 2009

Street & Studio : un autre alliage expo et web 2.0 à la Tate : Intégration Portrait venant de Flickr et Vente Edition par Impression Online

Après How we are (j'en parlais ici), la Tate Modern a présenté l'été dernier une exposition sur l'histoire de la photographie « de portraits » réalisés tant en studio que dans la rue...

July 2007

Mobile Technology Security Considerations

Get the convenience of wireless computing without the risks. Henry Kumagai, CompuMentor Systems Administrator, and TechSoup provide this overview of the security threats posed by wireless connectivity and the steps you can take to stay safe.

Make Your Library a Wi-Fi Hotspot

An examination of the benefits of wireless computing, and a checklist of what you need to do to get it up and running in your library.

Ten Steps to Wireless Internet Access in Your Library___WebJunction focuses

In this Focus on Wireless, we will discuss what you need to consider when extending your existing wired network with a wireless local area network (WLAN) segment for your patrons and staff.

Putting Free Public Wi-Fi Access into Action at Your Small or Medium Sized Public Library

Kim Bolan and Rob Cullin share their advice on public wireless internet access in this excerpt from their forthcoming book on basic technology for small and medium size public libraries to be published by ALA Editions.