public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags lifehacker & todo

08 March 2007

Sync your Greasemonkey scripts across computers ___Hack Attack:

by 3 others
Greasemonkey is by far my favorite Firefox extension. It's the first extension I install on a new installation of Firefox, followed quickly by a slew of my favorite Greasemonkey scripts. The only problem that I've had with Greasemonkey in the past is that

21 January 2007

Boite Oorganiseur de Chargeur___Build a cord-and-charger organizer

Tired of cords and chargers littering up the house? __How to build a box that keeps everything organized and looks cool to boot. You'll need a box,--something along the lines of a media box like the one pictured here--along with a surge protector and a f

Weekend Project: _____Make a photo snow globe

The end result is actually pretty snazzy; and all you need to accomplish this very heartwarming gift and/or interior decoration is a clear bottle or jar (Mason jars work really well), glitter, water, photos, Goo Gone, corn syrup, scissors, and tape. This