public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags lifehacker & audio

May 2008

Google Inline MP3 Player User Script Streams Linked MP3s

Firefox with Greasemonkey) "The Google Inline MP3 Player Greasemonkey script inserts Google Reader's MP3 Flash player next to any linked MP3 file you stumble onto while browsing."

March 2007

Foobar2000____Hack Attack: Roll your own killer audio player with - Lifehacker

If you love to tweak and customize your software applications to work just the way you want, extensibility is key - and the free audio player for Windows, foobar2000, is the most extensible player on the market.

January 2007

The unofficial Pandora-eMusic mashup

eMusic has put together an unofficial mashup of the two popular music sites.As Pandora plays away, the track and album currently playing show up for download at eMusic. Granted, you can always use Pandora's Jar to download and save music from Pandora for