public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags labs & yahoo


Pipes: flickr image search

flickr image search This pipe is designed to search images from you can enter the input and see the results as LIST or IMAGES

SML Wiki: Interestingness(note: work in progress)

Interestingness is a media (images, videos, etc) ranking algorithm to provide as an additional metric for search results. The algorithm is based upon an algorithm created by the Flickr team, and is further enhanced by metadata knowledge resulted from the development. The algorithm was first unveiled publicly on Flickr on 2005-08-01.1 SML.SML: Interestingness = f(views, faves, comments, tags, time, user, network relationships); The ranking is based on one or more of the following factors: * the quantity of user-entered metadata2 (i.e. tags) * the number of users who have assigned metadata3 * the number of favorites assigned to the photo4 * relationship between the person who uploaded the photo and the people who are commenting5 * access patterns related to the media object6 (i.e. where the clickthroughs are coming from; who comments on it and when)7 * a lapse of time related to the media object8 (i.e. velocity of metadata acquisition)


Yahoo! propose des expérimentations sur SearchMonkey - Abondance : Référencement et moteurs de recherche

Le projet SearchMonkey, qui permet d'agrémenter les résultats de recherche de Yahoo! avec des informations connexes sur un site, permet depuis quelques jours des "expérimentations" sous le patronyme de "SearchMonkey experimental applications". Dans cette catégorie seront rangées des propositions de développeurs qui n'ont pas été agréées - pour diverses raisons - par l'équipe de Yahoo! pour apparaître dans la Gallery (annuaire officiel des applicatifs disponibles). Ces projets SearchMonkey resteront cependant visibles pour que les internautes puissent les commenter afin d'éventuellement les modifier et/ou les améliorer. Un message "Show Experimental Enhancements" permettra de les visualiser dans la Gallery et chacun pourra ainsi évaluer les propositions situées dans ce "purgatoire"...


Mr. Speaker » Blog Archive » Introduction to Yahoo Pipes

by 1 other
Allows you to filter and process RSS feed data in a chain - using a cool web graphical user interface. The result can be spit out in a variety of formats that can then be used in your RSS reader, on your blog, in a Greasemonkey script

Yahoo launches Alpha search engine

Taking a page from Google's Searchmash experiment, the Yahoo Alpha search engine provides neatly organized results from the web, Flickr, Yahoo Answers and other sources.Specifically, Alpha generates a dynamic search-results page with modules that can expa


Adobe Labs - Lifehacker

Adobe Labs, the software company's public workshop for beta software, new technologies, and upcoming releases. For example, photographers and Photoshop fans can download the latest beta of Photoshop Lightroom to check out new features and see how it's pro

Web Search APIs from Yahoo! Search Web Services

Introducing the Yahoo! Web Search APIs Yahoo! Web Search Web Services let you tap into the power of Yahoo! Search technologies from within other sites, applications, and environments. Use the Web Search Web Services to query Yahoo! systems without leaving


Yahoo! Mindset : virer les liens commerciaux!

by 15 others
Yahoo a crée Yahoo Mindset qui permet de trier les résultats de Yahoo entre la catégorie « commerciale » et « contenu ». Yahoo aurait-il trouvé une solution mécanique pour classer les résultats et supprimer le spam-dexing ?