public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags internet & people


FACE RECOGNITION - DATA SET - The FaceScrub datase - vintage - resources

A Dataset With Over 100,000 Face Images of 530 People. Large face datasets are important for advancing face recognition research, but they are tedious to build, because a lot of work has to go into cleaning the huge amount of raw data. To facilitate this task, we developed an approach to building face datasets that detects faces in images returned from searches for public figures on the Internet, followed by automatically discarding those not belonging to each queried person. The FaceScrub dataset was created using this approach, followed by manually checking and cleaning the results. It comprises a total of 106,863 face images* of male and female 530 celebrities, with about 200 images per person. As such, it is one of the largest public face databases. The images were retrieved from the Internet and are taken under real-world situations (uncontrolled conditions). Name and gender annotations of the faces are included.


Flickr: Why Project Netpop?____We hope that you will share your world with us and with everyone else.

There is still much for us to learn about the people on the other side of your cafe, city, state, country or continent. How technology and the Internet are pulling all of us together - for personal, practical, political or playful reasons