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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags idea & fun


14 Creative Bike Helmets | Amusing Planet

14 Creative Bike Helmets Posted by Admin at 10:13 AM Russian advertising agency Good decided to have some fun with bike helmets.


Papercraft Self Portrait - 2009 - Head - a set on Flickr - 3ds Max 2009 - Mudbox 2010 - Pepakura

Papercraft Self Portrait - 2009 I made this as my costume for Halloween 2009. It was kind of inspired by big-head mode seen in videogames. I really wanted to get the faceted geosphere look with wireframe. Software used: 3ds Max 2009 Mudbox 2010 Photoshop CS3 Pepakura I should mention Bert Simons and Haywan Chiu.

Supers Aventures d'Un Bricoleur de Génie - Incredible Stuff I Made - Giant Costumes, Paper Mache sculptures and other big stuff.

Journal en Photo de ses création eclectiques - Please select one of the images below and read the inspiring stories behind the Incredible Stuff I Made.


the visual index of science fiction cover art - a few thousand science fiction magazines

A coverpop : covers from the visual index of science fiction cover art, courtesy Terry Gibbons . Move the mouse over the covers to see more information, click to see the cover full-size, arranged horizontally by time, and vertically by average hue

Une belle expérience que cette "interface" créé par l'agence Mono, qui vous permet de créez jusqu'à 759375 visages différents.

by 10 others
Une belle expérience que cette "interface" créé par l'agence Mono, qui vous permet de créez jusqu'à 759375 visages différents. Il suffit de cliquer sur la partie du visage que vous souhaitez modifié. Comment trouvez vous celui-ci ? :

Weekend Project: _____Make a photo snow globe

The end result is actually pretty snazzy; and all you need to accomplish this very heartwarming gift and/or interior decoration is a clear bottle or jar (Mason jars work really well), glitter, water, photos, Goo Gone, corn syrup, scissors, and tape. This


How to Put a Mosaic in the Mail

by 2 others
an idea that’s easy, inexpensive and guaranteed to earn rave reviews… All it takes is a few minutes a day, some photos, some stamps, and a pair of scissors.

Cadre phot dans Boitier CD _____Calendar Jewel Case Instructions

Calendar Jewel Case Instructions It's so easy, a child can do it (those are my daughter's hands modeling). To display your calendar in a CD jewel case:Print it so that it is 4.75 inches wide (12 centimeters). This is 150 PPI....

FlipClips — Print Your Short Videos into Magical Flipbooks

FlipClips takes your short video clips and prints them into little flipbooks. Just go to their site, upload a clip, choose a title and cover design, and $9 and 10 days later, you've got yourself a custom-made, full-color flipbook.

Photojojo » The DIY CanFrame: Transform a Tin Can into a Simple Photo Frame in 15 Minutes

Our tutorial will step you through an insanely simple way to show off your photos for the price of a 79 cent can of beans. All you need is the aforementioned can, some glue, a photo, and 15 minutes!

Great portrait idea, isn't it? YOU MUST SEE THIS!___Diego Goldberg :: The Arrow of Time

by 15 others
une fresque temporelle des visages de la famille qui augmente et viellie....


One night in the summer of 1996, a young photography student named Shaun Irving and his room mate Karlo were discussing the possibility of turning their dorm room into a giant pinhole camera. The dorm room camera never materialised, but the seeds of th Making Movies in Virtual Reality

film créer à partir de jeux video transformés....

PictureCloud_Tech Bee » Blog Archive » Un nuage d’images

PictureCloud, outil en ligne qui vous permet de faire une vidéo panoramique (à 360°) à partir de photos digitales. Le tour de votre maison, d’un objet ou d’un animal, sous toutes ses coutures. La page d’accueil donne des exemples d’u

Pinhole Camera Design Calculator

Toutes sortes d'application en ligne pour calculer les dimensions , temps de pose etc d'un Pinhole! tres fort!

The "Ultimate" (The Pinhole lens)_traiN'ternet - Model Photography

Number One problem with model photography is the depth of field which is emphasized by the very conditions under which these subjects are shot. As we saw earlier, depth of field increases when aperture is reduced (f-stop is increased). For a given lens,

"The Camera Obscura: Its Uses, Action, and Construction"

Plan et instruction en anglais. *New December, 2004 The long promised Adobe Acrobat PDF file of the 1885 article "The Camera Obscura: Its Uses, Action, and Construction" from Amateur Work discussed below can now be downloaded using the link above. This a

Drawing Cameras with the lens at the top

Drawing Camera Obscuras with Lens at the top Most drawing camera obscuras project the image from a lens at the front onto a mirror which reflects it up onto the drawing surface. There are however box and tent insterments with the lens and mirror or a pris

My Pinhole Cameras []

MY PINHOLE CAMERAS Photographs are, at the very least, to the same measure the product of cameras as they are the product of photographers, even if the process involves two different levels of execution. Thus it would be advisable to criticise the photo-c

Dirkon - The Paper Camera []

by 5 others
DIRKON – THE PAPER CAMERA During the 1970s, magazines published in Communist Czechoslovakia were controlled by the state, like the majority of other enterprises. Very few good magazines were available and were difficult to get hold of, so people would b

Morse Code Translation and Copy Practice

by 1 other
Morse Code Translation and Copy Practice