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Configurer l'affichage de Firefox pour WideScreen (Couch Surfing-Friendly ) - Apple mais adaptable à Pc - - Tweaks - Lifehacker

Firefox: Si vous utilisez Firefox systématiquement à une distance lors de présentations ou de votre canapé, par exemple, cette combinaison intelligente de Tweaks Firefox la rend plus facile pour vos yeux. 1. Téléchargez ce fichier userChrome.css ici. 2. Placez le userChrome.css 'dans le dossier suivant: ~ / Bibliothèque / Application Support / Firefox / Profiles / [profil]-name / chrome / [Ed. Note: Ils utilisent Mac OS X, reportez-vous cet article de la Base de connaissances MozillaZine pour trouver l'emplacement du dossier de profil dans votre système d'exploitation.] 3. Installez le plugin en cliquant sur Non Squint ici. 4. Changer de page par défaut du plugin n Squint de «plein niveau de zoom" mise à 150%. 5. Installer un thème qui fonctionne avec la taille du texte augmenté. J'ai choisi Hexxya, Qui utilise également des icônes plus petites de sorte que vous pouvez voir plus de votre barre d'adressei. 6. Profitez de votre navigateur Firefox HD!Firefox Dix Mode Couch Foot

Get Google Toolbar's Features Without the Toolbar - LifeHacker

Google's Toolbar does a few nifty things, but it is, well, a browser toolbar. And it might track your browsing without permission. Here's how to get most of its features without having to install it, or nearly any extra software.


iPod Without iTunes

Now that I own an iPod, the question is how can I use it without allowing the control freak spyware and crapware loaded iTunes on my computer? ITunes is designed to sell you Apple’s products, while it offers some features that allow you to manipulate your existing collection it limits your flexibility and dictates its terms. The default settings control synchronization and set them up automatically so unless you adjust your settings just right it kicks things off the minute you plug in your iPod. It installs software without asking, changes things without permission, I gave it 5 minutes on a test machine and it was gone.


Automate Adding Bookmarks to :: the How-To Geek ne marche pas avec Delicious 2.0 extension

Greasemonkey comes to the rescue with the Install autotag user script, but the problem is that you can't edit the bookmarks by clicking on the tag button, because that script always immediately submits the form, and also duplicates the tags. I've created an upgrade to the script that fixes those problems. Just like the first script, it will automatically add the popular and recommended tags:

Améliorer et booster votre Freebox : Le saviez-vous ?

Pourtant, toutes ces fonctions ne sont pas suffisantes pour quelques utilisateurs qui en demandent toujours plus, et apportent quelques modifications à leur Freebox avant même que Free ne s’en charge. Ainsi, certains ont changé le disque dur de leur Freebox tandis que d’autres ont tenté d’installer de nouveaux programmes sur celle-ci. Que vous cherchiez à transférer vos enregistrements ou à modifier votre FreePlayer, retrouvez dans ce dossier quelques astuces et modifications plus ou moins complexes grâce auxquelles vous pourrez tirer le meilleur de votre Freebox sans prendre de risque, que vous soyez utilisateur débutant ou bricoleur confirmé.

Free Music Zilla ___Télécharge TOUT : Deezer,, youtube : •°•° UNICORNIS °•°•

Pour Deezer, le flux est enregistré sous .php :renommer en .mp3. Ou renommer .php en .FLV et extraire .mp3 avec FLV Extract . + 10 télgts / jour: Dossier “%APPDATA%” par“Démarrer->Executer” sous XPou dossier “FMZilla” et supprimez le fichi

Control and Grab Your Torrents From Anywhere with TorrentFlux

Wwhy not offer them what you've already grabbed from BitTorrent, or give them a user name and password to get what you're about to start downloading? TorrentFlux, a free, open-source, server-based BitTorrent manager, can do all those things.

Hack Attack: The self-sustaining iPod_utiliser l'Ipod sans Itunes c'est possible...

By the end of this little tutorial, you'll be able to rip a CD, sync the MP3s to your iPod, then play any music off your iPod from any computer without ever having to install anything on that computer - and not once will you have to open iTunes to do it.


🛠 LOCKPICKING - Ouvrir un Cadenas Avec une Cannette de CoCa - How To Open A Padlock With A Popcan Video

En Créant un outil à partir du métal de la cannette. You should think twice before you use this type of padlock

Flickr pool: Yahoo! Hacks

Welcome to the Yahoo! Hacks group. I'm working on a book for O'Reilly called Yahoo! Hacks, and this is a space to pull together some of the more visual hacks. Feel free to post Yahoo! Hacks you come across.

How To: Turn your wifi router into a repeater - Lifehacker

This How-To provides step-by-step instructions for creating a Universal Wireless Repeater appliance: a device that you can place anywhere and it will wirelessly repeat the strongest signal, onto another wireless network (with or without security)

Automate proximity and location-based computer actions

Using network and Bluetooth detection software, you can do things like mount networked drives, set default printers, enable/disable your screensaver, and launch applications based on what networks are available, what network you're connected to, and what

elanceur - 10 hacks pour votre blog

Ces astuces fonctionnent sur la majorité si ce n'est toutes les principales plates-formes de weblog, y compris TypePad, Blogger et Wordpress.

Geek to Live: Flickr Advanced User Guide - Lifehacker

by 6 others
I published an article here on Lifehacker called Tips for Flickr beginners, a quick rundown on how to get started on Flickr. One year later I'm still as big a Flickr fan and user as ever, so it's about time to point out some of the more advanced features

How to create Firefox extensions

by 25 others
Everyone has a good idea at one time or another to implement a new feature in a web browser. Well, with the goodness that is Mozilla Firefox, now you can do just that. You need to have a vague understanding of XUL and Javascript, but you certainly don’t

Foobar2000____Hack Attack: Roll your own killer audio player with - Lifehacker

If you love to tweak and customize your software applications to work just the way you want, extensibility is key - and the free audio player for Windows, foobar2000, is the most extensible player on the market.

Hack Attack: Become a Gmail master - Lifehacker

by 1 other
Today I've got a rundown of the methods and add-ons I use to make Gmail more powerful. By the time you're done with this article you'll be a bona fide Gmail power user, too. Quick look at what to expect

Hack Google Maps URLs to zoom way in - Lifehacker

Google expert Philipp Lenssen details how to manipulate Google Maps URLs to zoom in close enough to see an individual camel in the middle of Africa. The technique doesn't work in all locations, but here's how to give it a try: 1. Select a location and swi


How to embed data like an image, or even an MP3! - into a text URL

How to encode a binary file - like an image, or even an MP3! - into a text URL using the data: URI.This one rates a high on the geek scale, but it's priceless for when you want to include an image on a web page that doesn't allow you to host image files,

Google Cheat Sheets (Version 1.05)

by 6 others
This two page Google Cheat Sheet lists all Google services and tools as well as background information. The Cheat Sheet offers a great reference to grasp of basic to advance Google query building concepts and ideas.

Turn Google into your own personal (free) Napster - Lifehacker

Google is good for so many things, among which is searching for all sorts of files, including MP3's. Here's a quick primer: -inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "Nirvana"

Hide files in JPEG images - Lifehacker

Basically, you create a .rar archive of your to-be-hidden file, then run a copy command from the Windows command line (with the /b binary switch) to embed your secret file in your image. After you complete the process, you can open and view the JPEG like

Gmail, Picasa and Flickr (-)

by 7 others
To avoid the clunky "export resized and upload to Flickr from Windows Explorer folder" routine, Jim suggests simply emailing photos to Flickr directly from Picasa, which will resize and send for you. Genius!

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