USERSCRIPT - BYPASS - AdsBypasser: Bypass ad counter if possible.
(via)This user script helps you to:
skip countdown ads or continue pages.
prevent ad pop-up windows.
It CANNOT help you to solve reCAPTCHAs.
Forked from RedirectionHelper written by SuYS.
GM - MooTools Forum - developpez.net
Forum: MooTools - Forum d'entraide sur le framework MooTools.
GM - DEV - Greasemonkey Tutorial for Beginners
In Greasemonkey tutorial, I have covered how to write Greasemonkey user scripts. After this tutorial,you will be able to write user-scripts for Greasemonkey.
Topics covered:
GreaseMonkey Installation
Hello World Example
Adding a Button
Reading/Modifying HTML content
Loading External Scripts.
GM - greasemonkey-users - Google Groupes
(via)If you have issues with the Greasemonkey extension itself, please use the greasemonkey-users ("questions about creating or installing user scripts")
(4 marks)