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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag cache


FIREFOX - CONFIG - user.js - Deux hacks pour augmenter les performances de Firefox

ADDON: "Load from Cache" + "ConfigFox Tu peux faire un user.js dans le profil Firefox qui contient les options permettant de l’accélérer ! Tu peux utiliser configfox si tu es sous windows. Voici mon user.js du moment : /* Config File generated by ConfigFox */


5 Tips To Reduce Firefox Memory and Cache Usage

Sometimes I just feel that Firefox is such a memory hog. Once I start to open up a few extra tabs, it starts to slow down my whole system. Fortunately, you can do something about it. Here are simple tips and tricks to reduce firefox memory and cache consumption.

Free Music Zilla ___Télécharge TOUT : Deezer,, youtube : •°•° UNICORNIS °•°•

Pour Deezer, le flux est enregistré sous .php :renommer en .mp3. Ou renommer .php en .FLV et extraire .mp3 avec FLV Extract . + 10 télgts / jour: Dossier “%APPDATA%” par“Démarrer->Executer” sous XPou dossier “FMZilla” et supprimez le fichi

ErrorZilla Plus__Extension Firefox : re-tries the unreachable URL using a web proxy — Perfect for getting around your offices IT lockdown blocks or accessing forbidden sites in China.

Adds useful options to the "Server not found" page when you follow a a dead or problematic link. The difference: ErrorZilla Plus adds a Proxify option that re-tries the unreachable URL using a web proxy

404 : Page is Not Found ? Now it will be!__Extension Firefox

Ever been annoyed by the '404 Error' or a more understandable one 'File Not Found'? Ever bookmarked your favorite page but few months later when you finally had time to read it in detail, you couldn't find it? If a page was (re)moved and now shows '404 Pa

Tutorial Cache Viewer

En écoutant la totalité du titre depuis le player dans Firefox , le morceau s'enregistre automatiquement dans le cache internet du navigateur.L'extension Cacheviewer est disponible dans le menu du haut du navigateur Firefox depuis l'onglet "Outils" .

CacheViewer___Extension Firefox__Améliore la consultation de l'historique et du cache internet Firefox : affichage de tout les fichiers enregistrés dans le cache firefox

Prévisualisation des images et fonction d'enregistrement en faisant clic droit sur les fichiers puis "Save as...". Une fois l'extension installée, dans "Outils" une nouvelle fonction est ajoutée avec "CacheViewer"


Resurrect Pages_Probleme__Extention Searches through five big page cache/mirrors

by 1 other
Dead pages, broken links, the scourge of the internet. Powerhouse sites like Slashdot and Digg can bring a server to its knees. What do we do when a page is dead but we still want to see it? Call in the clerics, and perform a resurrection ceremony! Or, th

Firefox Memory Usage_______PluginDoc: FQA

by 2 others
Firefox memory usage has been quite a hot topic since the release of Firefox 1.5. This FQA is designed to provide you with tips on how to minimise the amount of memory Firefox uses, information on what is known to cause memory leaks in Firefox, what is an


Firefox Flash Hack… Download Justin Timberlake’s New Song - On Influence and Automation

Many of the actual record company sites utilize Flash to play MP3’s that are stored on the site and referenced through ActionScript. You can utilize Firefox to browse your cache for “mp3″ for sites dumb enough to do this.

decembre's TAGS related to tag cache

addon +   anonymat +   archive +   astuce +   best +   capture +   comment +   configuration +   configurer +   deezer +   extension +   firefox +   flash +   flv +   free +   hack +   howto +   lien +   lifehacker +   memoire +   moteur +   mp3 +   music +   musique +   navigation +   officiel +   outil +   performance +   php +   privacy +   probleme +   proxy +   ram +   rechercher +   research +   sauvegarde +   search +   solution +   streaming +   systeme +   telecharger +   temporaire +   tips +   troubleshooting +   truc +   tutorial +   tutoriel +   user.js +   video +   web +