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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags SearchEngine & search


Recherche de référence du protocole - Google Search Appliance - Google Code

Le système Google Search Appliance utilise un simple basé sur HTTP protocole pour servir des résultats de recherche. Cela vous permet de contrôler comment les résultats de recherche sont demandées et comment ils sont présentés au les utilisateurs finaux. Ce guide décrit les détails techniques de la recherche, demandes et des résultats. Ce guide suppose que vous avez une connaissance de base du protocole HTTP et le format du document HTML.

Google Ultimate Interface et Soople : Other Search Forms - Google Guide

Google Ultimate Interface: If you want to specify what you’re looking for with more precision than Google’s Advanced Search form offers, try the , a third-party application available at With the Ultimate Interface you can: * Search with any of Google’s search engines, i.e., Web Search or some of the tools in the Part named Services. * Find pages that have been updated between any two specific dates * Select letters with practically every different kind of diacritical marking, such as umlauts or accent marks, from the keyboard near the bottom of the page. Soople: If you’re not sure of all the types of information that you can search for with Google, check out Soople, I describe many of the capabilities included in Soople in the Parts Understanding Results and Search Tools.tags (keywords): advanced search, narrowing search, queries, soople, ultimate interface


Hack de l'API AlloCiné par Reverse Engineering de l'application AlloCiné disponible sur l'Android Market - GroWiki -

Depuis le temps qu'AlloCiné existe, aucune API n'a encore été faite, ce qui est quand même inadmissible pour ce site de référence. Donc jusqu'à lors, quiconque voulait utiliser AlloCiné pour récupérer des données sur tel ou tel film était obligé de faire du parsing sauvage de leur site web. Mais c'était sans compter sur un peu de reverse engineering bonne volonté ! Je l'ai donc installé sur mon téléphone tout en lançant en parallèle un tcpdump afin de capturer l'activité réseau. Et oh, miracle, une certaine adresse était appelée. Bingo !

Traker IP - "GeoBytes IP Locator" ou "IP2Location" - Comment dépister l'endroit original d'un email par l'intermédiaire de son IP address

Tracking the location of an IP address Now that we have our originating IP address of, let’s find out where that is! You can do this by perform a location lookup on the IP address. My favorites are IP2Location and GeoBytes IP Locator. If you want more information, you can do a WHOIS database search also. My favorite one is the ARIN WHOIS Database Search. This will give you information on who hosts that IP address and their registration information. You can always contact them to try and find more information on that particular IP address. Have fun tracking down those emails!

Solr - Le meilleur moteur de recherche libre au monde

by 2 others
Le meilleur moteur de recherche libre au monde, pour fournir à vos utilisateurs une expérience de recherche incomparable


Pipes: flickr image search

flickr image search This pipe is designed to search images from you can enter the input and see the results as LIST or IMAGES

Google Fx v2.1.9 for Greasemonkey - firefox et opera

AutoPaging + Site ThumbShots + Google Suggest (multi-lang) + Easy Filters + Right Panel Feature + Images Redirect & Preview + Searchers + Static TopBar + NoAds + Nice Look&Feel + User's Settings + MultiLanguage & more... [Opera & Firefox] Version: 2.1.9

9 Semantic Search Engines That Will Change Search

Here is a wrap up of some of the top semantic search engines which we’ve covered previously, and some updates on their research.

8 Tips To Make FireFox Search Friendly |

1. Install the Google Toolbar. 2. Take advantage of FireFox search plugins Or create your own. Let’s take a quick look at how you can create your own search plugin for any search engine or site you refer to daily: * search the site you are creating the plugin for; * copy the query string; * change your search term in the query string for {searchTerms}; * go to and complete the form as shown below; 3. Use FireFox “smart keywords” feature(it allows you to search right from the address bar). 4. Use The CyberSearch FireFox plugin (download it here).Another way to search from the address bar. It supports multiple Google services... 5. Tweak your FireFox about:config settings.Yet another way to search from the address bar. (tip by FireFox facts). 6. Use Search Bookmarklets 7. Search Highlighted Words With Multiple EnginesSearch the highlighted word using multiple search engines: KallOut8. Search The Web (Or Any Website) With One Searchy

Rabbits.htm: Catching web-rabbits finding webbits - Fravia(2008)

by 1 other
warez rabbits pr0n rabbits Simple "Ringtones" webbits Serialz rabbits Gamez rabbits Another way of getting them webbits out? mp3 rabbits mp3 (2006-2007 vintage) DVD & Media rabbits Mordred's asterisks bookish rabbits newsfeedish rabbits passwords rabbits email gathering rabbits proxy rabbits Rabbits for rabbits Cameras and Cams webbits Other roadkills People that are new to our webbits wont believe the techniques described here until they try them... so just try them :-) Those that already know how powerful and mighty Seekers can be, will not wonder at all. Both kind of readers will find these tricks more useful than my words can possibly underline.

CoolFlick: Cooliris + Flickr = the best way to search for images online.

CoolFlick: As the developers put it, “CoolFlick: Cooliris + Flickr = the best way to search for images online.” Cooliris gives you a cinematic way to view the web and this mashup combines it with Flickr to give you a slick way to scroll through photo thumbnails. ReadWriteWeb’s Rick Turoczy has a good overview of this mashup. APIs used: Flickr. More at our CoolFlick profile.

Try This Search On - UserScripts - Greasemonkey

by 1 other
Provides useful links to search engines based on the page that you're viewing or the search that you're performing.


Compfight___Permet de faire une recherche de photos sur Flickr et n’affichant que les images.

by 7 others
Permet de faire une recherche de photos sur Flickr et n’affichant que les images. Ni texte, ni nom d’auteur ou autre. La seule information disponible est la taille de la photo en passant la souris dessus.

A flickr CC search toy

This is a wee test search for creative commons flick photos, click on the thumbnail to see a small image and get the code to embed the photo with attribution on your blog. When you see the code you can toggle left/ right alignment and small/medium size. If you are allowed to you can edit a large size in picnik, you will need to handle the attribution for this yourself.

🛠 TUTO - Ready2Search - jouter un moteur dans la barre de recherche de son navigateur - la méthode "GET" - Tuto Blog

Tout moteur de recherche qui utilise la méthode get (98 % des moteurs) - c’est-à-dire ceux qui gardent l’information "mot clé" dans les paramètres de leur url - est opensearchable ! (ie: on peut l’ajouter dans la barre de recherche de firefox ou

Quintura - Visual Search - Recherche par Nuages Tags

by 21 others
Quintura is a web-based search engine that allows you to explore results visually. Quintura can search the Web, images and Blinkx. Results are displayed in a customizable tag cloud, and a classic organic outline. the tag cloud with your results can be also embedded and shared with others via e-mail.

RedZee - Moteur de Recherche Visuel

by 3 others
RedZee présente les résultats visuellement. Un très bel effet de vignettes présente les pages d'accueils des sites

Tafiti - Tafiti : un moteur de nouvelle génération___Recherche Google

Tafiti : un moteur de nouvelle génération 23 août 2007 ... Microsoft lance un pavé dans la mare des moteurs de recherche en lançant Tafiti, sur la base de la technologie Silverlight.

Searchme - Visual Search - Recherche sous forme de diaporama

by 2 others
Résutats : captures d'écrans qui se feullettent... possibilité de classement Mais en anglais et ne cherche que dans web anglophone



by 131 others
a search engine which claims to be indexing over a quarter million Creative Commons, Public Domain, GNU FDL, and various other ‘copyleft’ images.