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PUBLIC MARKS from cyberien with tag "search engine"



FOOXX is based on client-server-solution and the patented 'Personal Rank' technology. FOOXX "studies" the activity of its members as they surf and from this, learns the importance of the sites being used. How are the search results ranked? In contrast to conventional search engines, FOOXX does not rank its' sites exclusively according to content, but also through the evaluation of other users' interactions. Intensively used sites receive a higher ranking than sites which are only briefly visited. In this way, each internet site receives a ranking which really reflects its' value to the user. Attempts to manipulate don't stand a chance. FOOXX ranks sites fairly.

Recherche Web - Exalead

by 3 others (via)
Pas de catégorie Shopping ? Principe des raccourcis sur la home réalisé par les utilisateurs ? Technologie OEM


Grayboxx On Tour

Grayboxx was founded in 2005 to bring optimal relevancy to "local search". In English, that means users are going to get what they're looking for. By leveraging intelligent, patent-pending algorithms that discern the quality and reputation of local businesses with minimal user interaction, we index and score local businesses without imposing review-writing chores on end-users. Grayboxx has received significant funding from Sierra Ventures and is currently in stealth mode. Alexa Web Search: Amazon Web Services

“Developers, businesses, universities and research institutions have been asking us for years to use the Alexa web crawl for their own very specific purposes. They don’t want a search engine that returns 10 or even 100 results for a given word or phrase. They want a search engine they can program to return millions of results based on thousands of terms, and then analyze those results for even more specific data,” said Niall O'Driscoll, Alexa vice president of engineering. “The Alexa Web Search service makes this possible, and in a simple, affordable, and scalable way. Now any developer with an idea can use the power of search to build their own business, answer complex research questions, or discover new slices of data never queried before.”

Discovery Engine, Auto-Tagging, Enterprise 2.0

* Discover and recommend topics that match the interest of users, groups and businesses Wizag's proprietary technologies and services help individual users discover information from huge amount of unstructured data; help groups and businesses harvest the wisdom of their members, employees and customers to discover opportunities; and help business portals increase sales or user satisfaction by recommending the contents, products or services that best match a user's intention. Wizag has developed technologies in fast natural language processing, personalized topic discovery engine, attention learning engine, knowledge based concept extraction and ranking, and search results recommendation. Wizag is founded by partners with experience in technology innovations, marketing and business development. We will be rolling out more new services and tools to make your Internet experience better.

Internet Monitoring | Recherche de marque | Étude de marché : Home

Gridmaster contre des moteurs de recherche Qu'est-ce qui différencie des Gridmaster d'un appareil de recherche normal? Les moteurs de recherche à texte intégral classiques tels que Google, Yahoo ou MSN te fournissent des listes de résultat de plusieurs mille coups pour une recherche par mot-clé simple. Il se trouve dans la nature de la chose que le nombre des documents inutiles est énormément élevé avec tel une stratégie de recherche indifférenciée. Cela signifie que tous les résultats doivent être passés en revue manuellement d'un procédé très long. Un gaspillage inutile de temps et de main d'oeuvre. Le Gridmaster en revanche utilise différents algorithmes flexibles et des modules de logiciel automatisés, pour éliminer des documents inutiles et garantir ainsi une qualité élevée des résultats de la recherche. Ainsi, par exemple des éléments de recherche peuvent être décrits de manière flexible et combinés ou intégrés contenus non structurés (p. ex. des interrogations de base de données) dans le texte structuré. Dans une manière aussi, comme le Gridmaster Internet et indique son contenu, la technique se différencie des détectives à texte intégral compatibles de masse. Ceux-ci mettent de tous les côtés qui la trouvent dans le Web une table des matières dessus. Des enquêtes de recherche peuvent alors être reconnues et travaillé au moyen des listes. Ce processus d'interrogation a lieu certes très rapidement, mais il ne peut pas être de la partie avec la vitesse, dans laquelle Internet s'élève. Il est ainsi impossible d'apporter tous les jours et de tenir une table des matières d' internet total sur l'état actuel. La conséquence logique: Les Indexe des Google, des Yahoo et du CO. toujours démodé. Gridmaster fonctionne d'une manière différente: La recherche a toujours lieu au moment, où une interrogation est commencée. De cette façon, l'actualité et l'importance des résultats sont garanties. En plus le logiciel intelligent fait un choix soigneux des plus pertinents à gauche d'un côté et poursuit principalement les voies qui conduisent avec la plus grande probabilité aux informations souhaitées. Le Gridmaster est en mesure ainsi d'imiter les modèles de comportement cognitifs de l'humain.

Blogdimension - Moteur de recherche Web 2.x

by 5 others est est une initiative indépendante développée par des bloggeurs passionnés. Elle vise à faciliter l'accès aux contenus de la blogosphère, principalement francophone mais également d'autres sphères culturelles ou linguistiques. L'objectif de Blogdimension est de devenir un outil de référence pour l'accès au contenu Web 2.X. Une alternative de plus aux grands moteurs anglo-saxons. C'est donc plus de liberté pour les utilisateurs qui ont ainsi la possibilité d'utiliser une palette plus large d'outils avec chacun des résultats complémentaires. Nous vous remercions de votre indulgence si vous rencontrez encore quelques bugs ou l'absence de certains blogs populaires. L'index est en perpétuelle croissance. Vos avis et suggestions d'améliorations seront très appréciés. La vocation de Blogdimension est : * d'offrir aux internautes une visibilité maximale sur les contenus de la blogosphère * de faciliter la mise en contact des bloggeurs les uns avec les autres et créer des méta-communautés, * de permettre aux bloggeurs d'élargir leur audience et promouvoir leurs contenus grâce à une porte d'entrée fédératrice, * de fournir aux internautes et aux professionnels (instituts de veille et de sondage, agences marketing, journalistes...) des outils pour sentir les vibrations de la blogosphère et étudier les tendances du Web 2.0. Si vous souhaitez soutenir notre initiative, vous avez la possibilité de nous adresser un don du montant de votre choix. Chaque participation est précieuse pour nous et nous aidera à financer les infrastructures nécessaires au développement de Blogdimension (serveurs, connectivité Internet, équipements réseaux, etc...)

WASALive !

WASALive est un moteur de recherche dédié aux sujets “chauds” en provenance de toutes les sources d’actualités : sites traditionnels d’information, blogs, forums… WASALive screenshot WASALive vous accueille avec les tags des mots-clés les plus cités en ce moment sur le web. Grâce à cette approche novatrice résolument Web2.0 , vous découvrez en un clin d’oeil les sujets les plus chauds et il vous suffit d’un clic pour découvrir les dernières brèves et les dernieres discussions qui agitent la toile. A cela s’ajoute la recherche d’images et de fichiers audio. La recherche peut à ce jour s’effectuer dans 7 langues différentes : Français, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Italien, Russe et Polonais L’algorithme de recherche classe les résultats par un mix pertinence/date et nous ne conservons qu’un historique de 30 jours pour favoriser la fraîcheur. Ainsi les résultats sont récents et apparaissent selon la date de parution. L’ambition de WASALive est de se positionner comme une alternative aux moteurs de recherche traditionnels, de blogs et de news, mais également comme une alternative aux agrégateurs de flux RSS qui peuvent paraître trop difficile d’accès pour l’utilisateur non-expert.

Pipl - People Search (BETA)

by 5 others
Welcome to the Deep Web There are various reasons why you might need to search for people, you may need to find a lost relative, an old flame, a classmate or a business contact - but if you are using a search engine such as Google or Yahoo to search for people, you have probably realized by now that it might work in some cases but in most cases it won't. How come the best search engines fail so miserably when it comes to people search? The answer lies in a little known but very important part of the web called "the deep web". Also known as "invisible web", the term "deep web" refers to a vast repository of underlying content, such as documents in online databases that general-purpose web crawlers cannot reach. The deep web content is estimated at 500 times that of the surface web, yet has remained mostly untapped due to the limitations of traditional search engines. Since most personal profiles, public records and other people-related documents are stored in databases and not on static web pages, most of the higher-quality information about people is simply "invisible" to a regular search engine. Deep Web Sites Examples of sites with deep web content. (Some of the logos are trademarks of the their respective owners) Pipl's query-engine helps you find deep web pages that cannot be found on regular search engines. Unlike a typical search-engine, Pipl is designed to retrieve information in real-time from the deep web, our robots are set to interact with searchable databases and extract facts, contact details and other relevant information from personal profiles, member directories, scientific publications, court records and numerous other deep-web sources. Pipl is not just about finding more results; we are using advanced language-analysis and ranking algorithms to bring you the most relevant bits of information about a person in a single, easy-to-read results page. Not convinced yet? try searching for people and you'll see the difference.

Brilliant Digital

Brilliant Digital is the leading online distributor of licensed digital content. We provide the means for record labels, film studios and software developers to market and sell their products to a worldwide audience of 70 million users. Altnet distributes licensed content into leading peer-to-peer applications and internet web sites, providing their users with access to Altnet’s library of Digital Rights Managed content and payment processing platform.

Social Search - Sproose

Sproose provides user generated search results to give the power of search ranking to you, the user. Other search engines only rank web pages based on the number of pages that link to a web page, but such links can be bought by companies or reflect the opinion of a web-master. With Sproose, the users have total control over the search listings where you can vote a page up to a higher position in the ranking.

PreFound - search what people have already found

by 1 other (via)
A human-indexed Internet. We believe that communities of knowledgeable, interested people can identify relevant sites with greater accuracy than a search engine that depends on computer programs. This is a whole new way to search the web. The contents of PreFound are primarily Groups of links that our users have shared with us. So a Group entitled "Horses" can contain links to text, video, audio, podcasts, blogs, photos, and graphics, about "horses". When you do a search, PreFound presents you with Groups of links that other people have found useful! In this way, we provide a search site that allows users to see what has already been found on the web! Pre-Found! PreFound is YOUR search site. So, like Wikipedia and other sites, you can simply view the content that other people have shared or you can contribute to PreFound. The content of PreFound is shared collaboratively by people from all around the world. Anyone can share or improve on the Groups on PreFound. See how here. Once content is shared, everyone has a chance to rank these Groups to ensure the best ones are near the top and the worst ones are buried. Finally, PreFound offers search personalization. Our "Include Your Interests" feature enables you to narrow your search to the things that interest YOU and reflect who you are, where you are and what hide you like. For each search you can adjust your settings to help PreFound give you search results that are a reflection of you.

Gravee - Social Search. Personalized results based on your bookmarks, tags, voting, and the activity of other users with similar interests.

by 1 other (via)
Gravee is a community-powered, social search engine that personalizes results according to users' interests based on bookmarks, tags, relevance voting, and the activity of other users with similar interests (in addition to our own proprietary relevance algorithm) to provide more accurate results

Jookster - Search, Find, Share

by 9 others (via)
Jookster is a place to find and save your favorite videos, photos and websites! Connect with others and share the coolest content on the web!


by 4 others
Mahalo is the world's first human-powered search engine powered by an enthusiastic and energetic group of Guides. Our Guides spend their days searching, filtering out spam, and hand-crafting the best search results possible. If they haven't yet built a search result, you can request that search result. You can also suggest links for any of our search results.

Wazap! The Game Search Engine

by 2 others (via)
PlayMyGame - personalized games. Create your own personalized games in only 3 steps! personalized games, online games, flash games, games

Emploi - Offres d'emploi et recherche emploi gratuit |

by 3 others
Bienvenue sur Travail-emploi ! Le site d'emploi 100% gratuit. Publication gratuite et illimitée des offres d'emploi, de stage, de mission ou d'interim. Retrouvez toutes les offres et petites annonces pour votre recherche d'emploi. Déposez votre CV ou votre offre d'emploi et accélerez sa diffusion et sa recherche en lui assimilant des tags emploi.


by 2 others
Enter social book marking. People save their bookmarks online (in sites like and post links to their favorite sites (in sites like digg and reddit). In a way, people that use these sites act as smart agents and add to these big databases the most liked sites on the web. No company could compete with the man hours people put in saving and tagging their bookmarks. No algorithm could calculate site quality better than humans. 50 matches is in this search evolution junction. We crawl only sites that were bookmarked , "dugg" or "reddit'ed" by combining human indexing with machine indexing. A real social search engine with search results - quality no one can compete with! We return only 50 matches - if there is a quality result to your search - it's here!


Explode is a social search tool that lets you find others online irrespective of which network they are on, as well as those running their own sites and blogs. It is a easy way to make connections, group these connections and interact with them either using your Explode profile or your own space somewhere else. The idea is to break down the silos of activity that is occurring due to the rise of social networking - we want to make is easy to find people; the Internet is People and Explode emphasises this.