public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cnkenlee with tags sns & tags

April 2006


Tag人是第一个把TAG(标签)应用在人身上的网站,你可以在Tag人里通过添加Tag(标签)的形式将自己准确的定位 。

by 1 other

October 2005

Ken - SWiK


Tagged with webfeed

FeedAlley.Com (still in alpha) is a social bookmark webfeed manager.

September 2005

Tagsy: universal tag-based content aggregator

by 8 others
a social bookmarks and feed management service, allowing you to save, categorize and browse information based on its popularity and relevance.

Kiko - A New Kind of Online Calendar

Slow, featureless online calendars are so Web 1.0. Kiko Calendar provides all of the functionality of offline calendar software, and all the convenience of online access. Plus, it's free

August 2005

Connotea: home

by 45 others
Organize your references. Share them with others. Discover new leads.

July 2005


by 121 others
Digg is a technology news website that combines social bookmarking, blogging, RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control. With digg, users submit stories for review, but rather than allowing an editor to decide which stories go on the homepage, the users