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PUBLIC MARKS from clochix with tag php

August 2007

February 2007

January 2007


by 5 others
MySQLPHPGrid puts data from a MySQL table in a configurable grid on a webpage. The grid supports sorting of columns, editing of cells, adding rows, deleting rows and pagination. You can display a full MySQL table, or just a subset of a table.

PHP Security Scanner project official website

by 1 other
PHP Security Scanner is a tool written in PHP intended to search PHP code for vulnarabilities. MySQL DB stores patterns to search for as well as the results from the search. The tool can scan any directory on the file system.

Log4php : PHP logging framework

Log4php is a php port of Log4j, the most popular Java logging framework. Log4php supports: * Configuration through xml and properties file (same structure as log4j). * File, RollingFile, DailyFile, Echo, Console, Mail, PEAR::Db, PHP error, Syslog or NT events and Socket appenders. * Simple, TTCC, Pattern, Html and Xml Layouts. * Nested (NDC) and Mapped (MDC) Diagnostic Contexts. * Switchable internal debug.

Rephlux - A continuous integration tool for PHP

by 3 others
Rephlux is a PHP based tool for running a continuous testing/build process on your project and taking action based on the outcome of your tests. It is inspired by the Java based CruiseControl[1].

Website Localizations and Multi-language Support

Some techniques of using custom language "packs" and language markers in database to provide automatic different translations of the website.

Basic PHP Script Security

by 3 others
Basic PHP script security covers issues like prevention of SQL injections, XSS and CSRF attacks, variable tampering, etc.

December 2006

Seven great PHP IDEs compared

by 1 other
Introduction à 7 IDE PHP

Using open source software to design, develop, and deploy a collaborative Web site

by 1 other
Long tutos sur le développement d'un site web collaboratif à partir d'outils libres, dont le CMS Drupal.

THELIA: boutique en ligne libre

by 5 others
THELIA est un logiciel évolutif de Commerce Electronique. Thelia a pour avantage, par rapport à des logiciels comme OS-Commerce (que nous proposons aussi) d’être entièrement personnalisable et paramétrable par notre équipe ou par des webagency. Les pages construites peuvent s’ouvrir dans Dreamweaver par exemple sans que le code ou la mise en page soit déstructurée. Cela permet à des webdesigners ou des intégrateurs de travailler les squelettes de bases sans pour autant développer des lignes de codes. Pour cela le système de squelette (cher à SPIP par exemple) a été utilisé et le code est séparé de la mise en page.

ClickHeat: analyse des zones cliquées sur une page web

ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones. Requires Javascript on the client to track clicks, PHP and GD on the server to log clicks and generate the heatmap.

phpsocketdaemon : bilbliothèque pour serveur en PHP

by 2 others
A library for writing a daemon in PHP that can handle massive amounts of client and server connections. By using this library you can focus on implementing protocol and logic, instead of spending countless hours of writing and debugging asynchronous, non blocking, high performance socket routines.

pOWL - Semantic Web Development Plattform

by 1 other
The aim of the pOWL project is thus to deliver a PHP and web-based ontology edititing and management solution to the OpenSoure community.

Galaxia workflow engine : an Open Source PHP workflow engine

by 1 other
Galaxia is a open source activity-based Workflow engine based on Openflow. That type of workflow is defined by Entity-based workflows vs Activity-based workflows Galaxia was originally written for Tiki CMS/Groupware but has now been ported to several other Open Source projects

PHPro - PHP Tutorials Articles Examples News

Article sur l'utilisation des fonctions de filtrage de PHP

Simple workflow engin in PHP

Simple busines workflow engine. You can code own business jobs (workflow steps), and embed it to workflow engine. Big advatage is that you change workflow you don't need to recode anything - only change configuration of workflow.

An activity based Workflow Engine for PHP

by 4 others
Article décrivant le développement d'un moteur de workflow d'activité en PHP. Ce moteur a été implémanté dans le framework Radicore.

OpenWFE - open source workflow engine

OpenWFE is an Open source WorkFlow Engine, released under a BSD license. It's written in Java but features access libraries for languages such as Python, Perl, Ruby, C# (.NET), PHP and pnuts.

FreeDom, logiciel libre développé en PHP de GED et de collaboration

by 4 others
Freedom = FREE DOcument Management. Freedom est à la fois une gestion électronique de document et un environnement de développement d’applications collaboratives (par exemple, le bureau Web). Freedom sait gérer tout type de document. Les attributs associés aux documents (autrement appelés meta-données) sont libres. Les documents sont accessibles directement par recherche ou par navigation dans une ou plusieurs arborescences de dossiers. Chaque document peut être révisé, associé à un workflow.

Sphinx - Free open-source SQL full-text search engine

by 3 others
Sphinx is a full-text search engine, distributed under GPL version 2. Generally, it's a standalone search engine, meant to provide fast, size-efficient and relevant fulltext search functions to other applications. Sphinx was specially designed to integrate well with SQL databases and scripting languages. Currently built-in data sources support fetching data either via direct connection to MySQL, or from an XML pipe.

Zend Framework : Zend Search Lucene

by 1 other
Zend_Search_Lucene est un moteur de recherche textuel général totalement écrit en PHP 5. Bien qu'il stocke ses index dans le système de fichiers, et ne nécessite pas de base de données, il peut ajouter des capacités de recherche sur presque tous les sites PHP utilisant une base de données. Zend_Search_Lucene supporte les fonctionnalités suivantes : * Recherche par pertinence - les meilleurs résultats sont retournés en premier * Beaucoup de type de puissantes recherche : recherche sur des phrases, recherche joker, recherche de proximité, recherche par intervalle et bien plus [5] * Recherche par champs spécifiques (e.i., titre, auteur, contenu) Zend_Search_Lucene est dérivé du projet Apache Lucene

November 2006


This program reformat and beautify PHP source code files automatically. The program is Open Source and distributed under the terms of PHP Licence. It is written in PHP 5 and has a command line tool. It can convert your documents using different coding standards like PEAR, JAVA or C and has an easy to use web frontend.


by 1 other
PHP_CodeSniffer is a PHP5 script that tokenises and "sniffs" PHP code to detect violations of a defined set of coding standards. It is an essential development tool that ensures that your code remains clean and consistent. It can even help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

clochix's TAGS related to tag php

actionscript +   ajax +   apache +   beautifier +   bestpractices +   bibliothèque +   chart +   cheatsheet +   click +   coding_standard +   collaboration +   crud +   css +   cvs +   daemon +   debug +   design +   development +   drupal +   e-commerce +   eclipse +   ECMAScript +   engine +   extension +   filtering +   firefox +   flex +   floss +   formatter +   framework +   ged +   google +   graph +   graphes +   html +   i18n +   ide +   integration +   java +   javascript +   json +   l10n +   library +   linux +   logging +   model +   mysql +   network +   nntp +   online +   ontology +   owl +   pdt +   perl +   python +   rdf +   rdfs +   recherche +   role +   ruby +   sdo +   search +   security +   semantic +   sécurité +   socket +   source +   standard +   stats +   store +   test +   tool +   tools +   tutorial +   web +   website +   windows +   workflow +   XDebug +   xhtml +   xml +   zend +