13 November 2006 11:30
THE BROADBAND PHONE REVOLUTION IS HERE, BROADVOX, the future of telephone communication. Replace your regular phone service with high speed features and low rates.
13 November 2006 11:15
VoIP (Voice Over IP) Solutions - AudioCodes
VoIP, VoP Chip Processors and Voice over IP packets solutions developed by AudioCodes, leaders in the VoIP market for VoIP equipment and VoIP technology.
What is VoIP? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary
This page describes the term VoIP and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
VoIP Protocols and Standards - DVB | H.225 | H.225 Annex G | H.235 | H.245 | H.450.1 | H.450.2 | H.450.3 | H.450.4 | H.450.5 | H.450.6 | H.450.7 | H.450.8 | H.450.9 | H.450.10 | H.450.11 | H.450.12 | H.261 | H.263 | Megaco (H.248) | MGCP | RAS | RTCP | RT
by 1 otherVoIP is increasing in importance. We've collected various resources of interest to professionals involved with implementing standards or testing Voice over IP implementations.
VOIP Guide - VoIP Home
VoIP Basics - Internet and Web telephoning for business communications, VoIP basics include conferencing and low cost person to person conversation. What you need to know about internet telephony.
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